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The next day when I get to the office Ryan is already at his desk eating a breakfast burrito and staring with laser focus at his computer. He doesn't even spare me a glance. Shane isn't here yet so I set down my bag and log into my computer.

"We're filming the last episode of True Crime this week right?" I speak up, hoping to spark some conversation. Ryan just grunts a yes in reply and still doesn't look up from his computer.

I don't exactly want to have this conversation at work so I just resign myself to the fact that today is going to be a long day.

Shane shows up later and we all pretty much keep to ourselves. I'm not sure what Shane and Ryan spend they're day working on but I end up editing all day long. It's kind of exhausting and by the end of the work day I'm just ready to go home.

However, Shane and I already decided that I'll talk to Ryan today. After all I'm the one who didn't want to tell him. Shane texts me good luck, not wanting to break the silence that's been hanging over us all day and then heads out of the office, leaving just Ryan and I.

"Hey Ry, you wanna get some food after work?" I ask, he shakes his head,

"No I'm busy," he says. I sigh,

"Ok," I sit for a second trying to figure out how to get him alone so we don't have to talk in the middle of our crowded office.

A few minutes pass and it finally hits me.

"Oh shit," I groan, catching Ryan's attention, he looks away again but I know I've got him.

"Dammit." I push my keyboard away from me frustratedly, he looks up again.

"What happened?" He asks,

"Your read through of the case file is all fucked up," I say, and he quirks his eyebrows,

"the audio is just shot to hell," I say and he sighs.

"Ry im sorry can we just go into the studio and get a quick retake?" I ask, he rolls his eyes a little but agrees. Score.

When we get to the studio he sits down at the desk where we shoot the episodes and waits for me to mic him but instead I sit down in what is usually Shane's seat. He looks confused for a second,

"Shane and I are dating," I blurt our.

"I know," he says a little bitter, "can we just get this retake over with and then talk about this later Sophie?" He asks. I laugh a little,

"Ry, the audio was fine we don't need a retake... I just wanted to talk to you," i admit. He smiles a little, the first smile I've seen all day, and rolls his eyes.

"You got me," he says.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you," I say, "it was all me. Shane wanted you to know."

"Why didn't you want me to know?" He asks.

"I was worried. I didn't want to mess things up."

"Sophie it's been a while, I understood the first couple months but-"

"How do you know it's been a while?" I ask, confused. Ryan laughs nervously.

"Uhh," he says, "I mean I've known since Shane told me about 'some girl he spent Christmas Eve with at the airport'..." he jokes, I laugh lightly.

"Plus your brother texted me," he admits,

"What!?" I ask,

"He thought I knew!" Ryan says, "which is fair, why wouldn't i have known," he state's pointedly at me.

"What did he say?" I ask,

"He said 'are Shane and Sophie gonna move in together now that they've been together for so long because I want to rent her apartment," Ryan explains,

"Oh my god," I face palm, I guess it's true that I never told Chris explicitly not to tell anyone.... but still!

"How long has it been? Like 6 months right?" Ryan asks. I groan and nod,

"Almost," I say,

"Are you gonna move in together?" Ryan asks and I groan again.

"Oh my god Ry! I just came to terms with everyone knowing, I'm not really thinking about cohabitating right now." I say, he nods.

"I'll let Chris know," he jokes,

"Chris already got an apartment in Santa Monica anyways!" I say, throwing my hands up. I can't believe all of this came from my stupid little brother trying to move into my apartment right under my nose. Ryan laughs and then we sit for a moment in silence. I honestly can't tell if he's still mad.

"I'm not mad," he says, pretty much reading my mind, "I'm happy for you guys. I just wish you would've told me so I didn't have to find out from your little brother," he laughs. I nod,

"That's fair."

"Come here," Ryan pulls me into a hug,

"Mari is gonna be so excited to finally go on double dates," he says, "oh, by the way... she kinda already knows too."

"Who else knows!?" I ask, pulling out of the hug and laughing,

"Uhhh.... TJ figured it out, Devon guessed it before you guys even got together, Katie is still waiting to hear it from you guys before believing it but she pretty much knows.... oh and Steven knows!"

"Steven from Worth It!!?" I ask,

"Yeah he said he figured it out from all your road-trip posts.... those were kinda obvious."

I sigh and laugh,

"Wonderful," I say, almost feeling stupid for thinking we had hidden it.

"You ok Soph?" Ryan asks,

"Yeah," I say. Ryan laughs,

"Come on let's get food."

"I thought you were busy," I say.

"Wellllll I was mad so I lied," Ryan admits,

"Oh my god Ryan," I laugh and follow him out of the studio. I quickly text shane and let him know it went well and then Ryan and I finish up at our desks and head out for some dinner.

Connecting the Dots (Shane Madej x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon