Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Present Year...

"Excuse me," I said.

"Where's your captain?" I asked.

"I am the captain, what do you want?" The man with a white beard and big body said.

"Ohh... I just wanted to apply in your group. Can I--"

"No. I don't accept weaklings."

"I'm not--"


"Alright, alright! I'm sorry. Jeez."

Then I left and started walking.

In this world, fighting and being strong is vital.

There are Four (4) Kingdoms in this world:

Kingdom of Assassins where swords, katana, and weapons are the main power. Speed and strength are vital.

Kingdom of Mages where different elements: Air, Water, Land, Fire, Metal, and Wood are the main power, and different unique powers exist. Mana is vital.

Kingdom of Witches, it is where different curses and potions exist. Grimoire is the main source of their powers.

Kingdom of Darkness, the most dangerous and most powerful kingdom of all. Different creatures such as Vampires, Dwarfs, Wolves, Elves, Fairies, Ghosts, Ghouls, Mermaids, Giants, Dragons, and even Demons live.

However, demons are rare to find because their main place is in hell, and just like those birds in cages, demons also wanted to flee and just like the beasts, they wanted to kill everyone; but there are those Demons who just wanted to lead this world and make it a place of their own.

I belong to the kingdom of Darkness, but I left because I wanted to fulfill my mission, and that is to kill the Demons.

"Hey you! The girl with the red hood!" A stranger called me.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't see any weapon from you, so why are you here in Assassins' Kingdom? Are you lost?" He asked.

"I don't see any weapon from you either. Why are you here?" I asked.

"I'm from the Kingdom of Mages. I am here to meet someone-- Oh he's here. Hey dad!"

"Your dad is an Assassin and you're a mage? So your mom's a mage?" I asked.

"Obviously yes, duh!" He said.

"Are you gay?"

"What!? I'm not! Do you want me to kill you? Tch."

"So what brought you here, son?"

"Oh yes, of course. Today's our day off so I just thought I'll visit my hometown."

"Can I join your group? Please. I just need--"

"No way! There's no way I'll let a fragile woman join our squad. Plus, you look suspicious." He said.

"What? What's the problem with you all? Why are you looking at my physical appearance? I defeated a demon once--"

"You defeated a demon? Is it a demon toy? HAHAHAHA." Then they both laughed.

"That's a good joke, son."

"Unbelievable! I am older than any of you and I have more experience in terms of fighting and living than all of you." I shouted. "You know what? I'll just live alone! And I will still protect this world even though I'm all alone!"

"Protect us from what? From mosquitoes? Hahaha. Dream on! Only the strongest ones can protect this world and that's not you," He said.

"Ughh!!" I said then I left.

These people are so arrogant and boastful!

I flew and looked for a peaceful place where I can have a rest, where arrogant people do not exist! Jeez, they're getting on my nerves.


"The moon's so big, Aice, and so bright. I wish you can see this too."

I laid down and closed my eyes. I just wanted to feel the cold breeze brushing through my skin and the grass tickling my face.

"It's been 300 years, Aice. That's the first demon I killed, Perdix." I cried.

I sat down.

"Why do you have to die, Aice? I hate you." I cried.

"Every five (5) months or six (6), I have to change my squad because they told me that I'm a freak and that I am such a weakling. Aice, I'm not weak, it's just that...I don't want them to see the real me. I don't want them to see my true colors. I'm scared. I don't want them to see me as an enemy." I cried even more.

"Ughhh! I'm so frustrated! Why do I have to change my squad every five months! Ever since I woke up, all I thought was to save this world and kill all of the demons, nothing else."

"Aice, I'm not scared of anything, but living alone. I'm scared of living alone."

"Then join our squad,"

My eyes widened.

A man was standing right next to me and he's offering his hand for me to take it. His eyes were so blue and were shining like the stars at night. His genuine smile makes my heart beat and his aura makes me feel so comfortable.

"My name's Yuno. Will you join our squad?" He asked.

My tears continued flowing. This is the first time someone offered me to join their squad.

I quickly stood up and the next thing I knew, I was hugging him with a smile on my face and tears of joy.

"My name's Yui. Yui Akumu. I happily accept your offer...



(Picture above not mine. Credits (Image): Pinterest)

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