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The roses kept flowing. Each one attached to a poem and sometimes accompanied with a gift. Rose grew so accustomed to it she made sure to make a stop at her locker every morning.

And every morning there'd be a little something there for her until one day, there wasn't...

It was a Monday morning and she only had ten minutes left before class. Her class was on the other side of the school. She could make it if she ran but first she had to make a stop at her locker.

She typed in her combination. Her locker responded with a click. Her eyes flitted through the mess that was her locker. Her mouth curved into a frown of disappointment when she found that there was no rose or poem.


She was halfway through the door when she remembered that she had to write a book report from the book Miss Young assigned to them. A book that was all the way in her locker.

With a sigh she turned on her heel and began her way to locker no. 593. She walked with her head held down until she was directly in front of her locker. She frowned when she saw that it was half open.

Her frown turned into a smile when she saw the purple rose attached to a piece of paper. They were accompanied by love candy stuffed in a mug printed: I'm Sorry :(

She quickly unfolded the note.

Roses are red,
Violets aren't blue.
I love candy!
I hope you do too.

She folded the paper, closed her locker and left with candy in her bag and a smile on her face. She never once asked herself how he knew her locker combination but she was glad he did.

Violet RosesWhere stories live. Discover now