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It was official.

Rose Violette Greene was losing her mind.

It had been a week since Drew had left her lunch. Her mind was still reeling from the fact that he was around the corner from her and she still missed him. She had looked everywhere but it was like he just disappeared into thin air.

Ever since then she'd been on the edge. She was constantly looking over her shoulder, hoping to see him. She couldn't focus in class because she kept daydreaming about how it would feel like to see him for the first time. In her mind, she pictured someone tall with dark hair and dark eyes. She pictured him coming out of the shadows and professing his love for her in front of everyone.

"MISS GREENE!" Her teacher, Mr Simpson, stood in front of her with his hands on his hips. He did not look happy.

"Yes sir?"

"I asked you a question but you clearly have more important things on your mind." He looked down at her notebook and gave her a disapproving look.

Rose turned fifty shades darker when her teacher saw the sketch she'd made of Drew. It was how she thought he looked like and she drew it without knowing.

"Get your head out of the clouds, Miss Greene," he said sternly before turning back to the class.
Rose ducked her head in embarrassment to hide her flaming cheeks.

Roses are red,
Violets aren't blue.
I thought flowers were pretty
But then I saw you.

She sighed and held the note close to her chest. Maybe it could ease the erratic beating of her heart.

"Hey Rose!" a voice called from behind her. Her heart stopped thinking it was Drew but then she realized that the voice was way to feminine. She turned around. It was Leigh-Jade Parker, from her cheerleading squad.

"Hey Jade, what's up?"

"I was just checking on you. You've missed cheer practice two times on a row. I was worried about you," she said.

"I'm fine, I've just been...preoccupied," Rose said as she gave Jade a reassuring smile.

She had known Jade since sophomore year when they both decided to try out for the cheerleading team. Jade was her only friend on the team the rest were just bitches who smiled to her face but gossiped behind her back. Fake friends. They probably didn't even realize that she was absent two times in a row.

Leigh-Jade was probably the only reason she still came to practice. She enjoyed her company. Jade was a very nice person, she was the most selfless person Rose knew.

"Are you sure? I've noticed that you're not paying attention in class either."

"I'm fine Jade, really."

"Okay. So what have you been so 'preoccupied' with then?"

"Um..." she started.

"Come on, Rose. You can tell me anything,"

Rose told her everything.

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