55. Sorry... Sorry...

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When I was 12, my parents died. I have brother 3 years younger than me, but we were taken to separate relatives. Not even 1 month had passed and my relative wasn't really nice to me. I gave up about going to high school and decided to start working in a factory. 

When I was 17, I was finally settled enough to call my brother over to live with me. We both lived together. I wanted my brother to have better life so I worked night works along with the factory job too to pay for my brother's high school. After my brother graduated, he said he will work in Tokyo so he moved and I resigned the night and joined a convenience store nearby instead. 

Every staff in the convenience store was really nice to work with and I had good time working there. Thanks to the working place, I got a lover as well. I never had experience of loving anyone so it was new for me. 

One day when I was hurrying to my work, I met with a car crash because of my carelessness. I was thrown about 20 meters and I could see my life flashing in front of my eyes, feeling like it was going to be the end. 

When I realized, I was in hospital.

While laying on the hospital bed, I was in a deep thought. Everyone must have their happiness and sadness balanced. I must got cursed because I was very happy with my lover and my fellow work partners. 

Thankfully, it was just a broken right arm but after many other checkup, some internal organ injury was found as well so I had to be in hospital for longer. 

One day during those days in hospital, I wasn't able to fall asleep even after the light out. I did a lot of thinking. Why was I even born? If it was going to be this hard, I wish I wasn't born at all...

With all those thought, I was just laying. Just then, I felt some presence behind me. Is it a nurse? I thought and wiped my tears and turned around. I was beyond surprised to see my parents standing there. I was very shocked and felt like it was a dream. Then, my mother whispered "sorry... sorry..." and gently stroke my hair. My father looked sad beside her, looking down at me. 

With nostalgic feeling and all the sorrow and difficult memories came crashing into me and I hugged her and cried into her warm hold. 

When I realized, there was no one anymore. But the feeling of being strong by her and her scent was still there fresh. 

Now I am a mother of 1 year old and I have been happily living. If my child said something like that happened, I'd be sad too. My parents must have seen me and came to console me in that state. 

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I personally think this was a beautiful story! What do you think?

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