62. Gaming in Grandpa's Room

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This was when I was in elementary school. 

I used to visit grand parents house during summer vacation. One time, my elder brother got a game kit and software when we were going there. 

The place was surrounded by nature. There was mountain nearby and it was also near to beach and that was like heaven.

It was one day before going back home. I finished my dinner earlier than my brother and went up to play the game. On the second floor, there was my late grandpa's room and there was a TV in there. Sometimes me and my brother used to play there till late. 

I was playing the game alone at that night. About 10 minutes had passed and my brother walked in. I didn't hear his footsteps on the stairs so I jerked up in surprise. But he didn't respond anything to that and he sat with me and grabbed another controller. 

He seemed little off so I asked, "is everything okay?" but he just ignored it. 

When I realized, he had already he had already selected the player vs player mode. And he had even selected his character. 

Without any words, we started to play. But unlike other days, he was playing very badly. He was always good with this game and I could never win so it was very odd. For some reason, he was only playing in defensive mode and he wasn't attacking at all. Well, due to this I could win easily. 

"You're so weak!" I said laughing at him. Suddenly, he started crying and stormed out of the room. 

"Why is he crying?" I thought and went after him. When I saw, he was leaning out of the window at the end of the hallway. While I was scared so much and was frozen in the place, he leaped out and jumped. It was so sudden, I still couldn't move and shouted for mom. 

My mom, dad and grandma came rushing quickly as they heard me. 

"What happened!?" They asked.

"Brother... From window..." I wasn't able to form sentence. 

"He jumped off," I finally said. 

When I said, they looked at me funny. "Makoto is sleeping downstairs," dad said.

I went down and checked and they were right, he was asleep there. He didn't die in sleep in this incident either. We all agreed that it was just my imagination, but I clearly remember anything and I know that it wasn't my imagination. 

What I think is it was my grandpa's soul who pretended to be my brother. He never got to see me before he died so may be when I was alone, he came to see me by pretending to be my brother. Now that I think, I don't think he was crying because he lost, I think he was crying because he was happy to see me.

Thank you for coming to see me, grandpa.

I think this was a nice story. And I think the grandpa was only playing in defense mode because even in the game, he didn't want to hurt his grandson. 

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