Chapter XXIX

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XXIX. No Hope for Redemption


"Yes, Jaime?" Livia smiled, turning to her brother as she smiled at the soldiers who could already go home to their families, bowing and thanking her.

She and Jaime had not had the chance to spend much time together. What with him as the Kingsguard for the husband she was trying to avoid and her so busy with the work she was doing.

Cersei kept her company from time to time, even when she was at her most irritable mood, Livia valued her time with her only sister. As for Tyrion, he was back at Casterly Rock, writing letters to her furiously. She loved replying to every single one. A respite from her guilt and her anger.

"I've heard of what happened with you and the king." Jaime started, disrupting her thoughts and overall souring her mood.

Livia bitterly answered. "I'm pretty sure by now, the whole of Westeros has heard of what happened. It seems being queen has stripped me of all sorts of privacy."

"We knew the king before this one, Livvy." He warned, moving to halt her in her steps.

Despite their fight, she couldn't help but defend her husband. "Robert is not the Mad King."

He raised his hands in defeat. "I never said he was. All I'm saying is kings often do not care for the feelings of their queens."

"You're saying not to take it personally, is that it?" Livia asked, frustrated.

Jaime sighed. "Livvy, I'm not trying to insult yo-"

"Don't bother." She interrupted, trying to push past him but he caught up to her steps quickly.

She didn't know what about the topic made her so irritable but she could not help but feel insulted to be seen as a wife having problems with her husband.

He was in front of her all of a sudden. "What I'm trying to say, if you just stopped and listened, is that if he ever touches you in any way you don't like or if he...hits you, you tell me immediately."

Her eyes widened as she recognized the desperate look in his eyes. The same one he had when he stood guard outside Rhaella Targaryen's chambers. "Jaime-"

"I will kill him, I swear it. I won't let you suffer the same way she did, I promise. I don't care, I'm already a kingslayer, it shouldn't matter anymore." Jaime ranted, his voice cracking as his speech neared its end.

Livia immediately pulled him into her arms. "He hasn't hurt me. I promise. He's different, he's a good man."

"Then why are you and him at odds?" He asked, pulling away to level her with a stare.

She smiled at him sadly. "Even the best of people are flawed. I said he was a good man, but he is not perfect."

And Livia never expected him to be perfect. Perhaps in his own way, Robert had been trying to protect her. Maybe she had been hurt that he kept such a thing from her but his intentions were good. 

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