25. Broken rules

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Don't create a scene that would concern YOU as the central point. Be incognito and try to dissolve in the crowd by practising exact behaviour followed by people of that era.

Never should you judge anyone or question any belief publicly, even if it remotely repulses you.

There would be things that can distress your twenty-first century women's dignity, but you'll have to keep up.
It's awful to specify this, but after being transported you must forget,

Yes, you must forget that feminism is even a word which exists because...

It should not exist for the two of you.

My head reeled with the rules given by the project's co-executive Reuesme, when Cheryl and I were in the historical women training session.

After keeping us in a constant view of behavioural patterns, she had given drills on how to be a passive female whilst keeping up with self-protection tactics to get out of difficult situations.

But the thing that bothered me was,
I had broken the above rules. I had created a scene out of myself.

If Julian digs deep into my identity, it'll be a disaster.

I trudged behind him in silence. Only the sound of my chain scraping together was audible in the near surrounding.

Though he was reprimanding Damascus about the whole scenario, I couldn't shake off the feeling something was up his sleeve concerning me.

He hadn't spoken anything since he'd seen my chains crossed around the warrior's throat. Just a brief nod and I knew I had to go wherever he was taking me now.

A breeze of cool air wafted across my face, giving temporary relief to the burning skin. I looked to my right to see slight waves rising in the Nile.


Disappointment filled in when I noticed we weren't heading towards the river but in the opposite direction. Hadn't they announced everyone was to be assisted by the warriors to drink from the river?

Wait, oh my God. Was this his way of disciplining me?!

"Can I get some water?" I choked midway due to the dryness.

"Sit here, and you are not getting that water," he said nonchalantly, wiping his face with a wet linen that was draped around his shoulders.

"I was helping that wom-"

"Shh," he whispered, keeping a finger over his lips. "The more you talk, the drier your throat will turn than it already is."

My insides burned like hell, both with the lack of water and the newfound anger towards him. I gritted out my teeth, refusing to look in his direction.

"I want my book back," I stated without emotion, extending my palm with my face turned aside. Surprisingly, he dropped the book beside me and went away when a warrior came to discuss something with him.

I would've checked where he had gone, but right now I was scorching red hot. I couldn't care less where he goes.

Might as well be good if some crocodile from the Nile devours him whole.

Still, my stupid ass heart turned around to see him disappear near the banks of the river.

I summon you my dear crocs!

Gulping whatever little I could, I flipped through the pages, randomly reading what I had written so far.

The thing was, historical women's training session wasn't helping given the year I had spent in Queen Cleopatra's court. It was shocking to know women having a heck lot of rights and freedom, especially in Egypt.
Submissive exterior had flown out the window.

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