39. Gossips with the bald priest

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As we walked out of the marketplace, I couldn’t suppress my joy of witnessing something so spectacular.

"God, that was so so so… amazing. Like I can't even, you are just… such an amazing king, Ju- my Lord," I said breathlessly, wanting to pour everything in one go. He listened silently, all while a secret smile hovering over his lips.

"Can I write it? In the name of Zeus, I have never seen anything so fantastic!" I squealed. I'd thought I would be intimidated by his brutal temperament, but oddly enough, I was floating in happiness.

"Sure," he chuckled.

We entered a different path that had a much serene atmosphere, with trees lined on either side. Walking silently, I felt a little flushed. I was talking with him so… coolly. As if it was the most natural thing. And then I realized, 

I sounded like a childish girl, yet again.

That single thought poured water all over my excitement.


I shook my head. There isn't time for thinking stupid stuff. I'll make use of every second.

I decided to ask how Romanos came into existence when he stopped in the middle of the way. From here, it was divided into two marble paths. 

The left side had a series of pillared box-like structures. Five of these monuments of about fifteen feet stood side by side. Each a beautiful golden cream coloured.

The right lane had vertical rectangular structures sans the pillars. Coated with a reddish sandstone colour.

Not knowing where we were, he clarified, "A place where we should've come before visiting the marketplace. House of Gods," He motioned to the cream-coloured structure, "Greek gods here, and the right one of Egyptian gods."

"You allow both religions?" I asked, surprised. Usually, a king who conquers other lands imposed his religious beliefs on the captured people.

"If a ruler wants to rule without conflict, he'll never impose a belief on his people," He looked at either of the temples, "We allow both. Which one would you like to go to?"

Was it possible to get more impressed by him than I already was? I smiled, "The Greek one. I've already visited the Egyptian one in Queen Cleopatra's kingdom."

But I didn't know he would take my hand to lead us up the Greek God's temple. 

It was such a gentle and unhurried action. He engulfed my hand in his and started walking up the stairs. Maybe it was a custom, but I didn't know.

I lowered my head and followed. Gripping my book in one and keeping the other as less disturbed as possible in his big, warm ones.

My eyes widened as I took in the place's grandeur. Wall to ceiling, all golden. At the end of this gigantic room in the centre was a statue of a God, sitting on a golden throne with a long trident in his hand. The statue was huge enough to touch the fifteen feet ceiling.

We had removed our footwear at the stairs and walked barefoot on the cool marble floor. It seemed like the personal room of God, instead of a worshipping place. 

Flowers, fruits, and many offerings lay near the idol's feet. They had placed bowls with a sweet burning substance at every corner, engulfing the room in mind pleasing aroma.

"Zeus may be the God of gods, but we worship Poseidon first." Julian explained as we walked in, "Wouldn't want to anger the God of the sea when he's next to our empire."

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