Cursed Blessing

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"That's gonna be my wife?"

I gulped while I stared down at my feet. Well.. tried to, my belly was in the way.

"Now, now, Leonidas, don't be so rude. Calista is a kind and smart girl." The king tiredly sighed as he placed a hand on his son's, Prince Leonidas, shoulder.

The prince sneered, "Fine."

It was that day that marked the beginning of his hatred towards me, that day my pride deflated, that day my heart had its first crack, that day when I hid myself from the cruel, cold world.

It was also that same day I had received the cursed blessing.


"UGH!" I screamed as I knocked everything on my vanity table aside. Anger, pain, hurt, and embarrassment were the emotions I felt when I recalled what had happened earlier that day with the prince.

Fat. Ugly. Short. Pig






Those words rang through my brain like an echo as I stared at the mirror. Those words... they were true. That ugly hair. That ugly body. That ugly face.

I touched my face with a shake of my head, "No. you're beautiful. You're the most beautiful." I say looking at myself. My beautiful self.

"Are you really the most beautiful?" The reflection suddenly warbled and had smirked while narrowing its eyes at me, "We both know that's a lie." I flinched when it gave out a gurgled laugh.

It's voice was mine, but more deep and disturbing. The only difference was their eyes that turned more cat like.

Sea foam blue cat like eyes.

My previous emotions have been drowned with the feeling of fear. Pure fear, "No.." I fell back, tripping over the chair and falling on my bottom, "No." I say once more as I scrambled away from the mirror.

"Hehe..." Their eyes were still locked onto mines as they climbed out the mirror. I stared in horror while their claw like hands passed through the glass, gripping onto the edge of the table. The mirror warbled until the creature crawled out and advanced its way towards me.

"NO! STOP!" I screamed before covering my eyes shut. Their footsteps stopped.

"Calista Teodora Vasilis," My eyes snapped open to meet the creature standing in front of me with a wide grin.

"How do you know my name?" I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Accept your fate." It jumped onto my body and held me down as I screamed for help. It's eyes suddenly glowed a pure white, drawing me in immediately.


That's when memories flowed into my mind. Memories from my past lives, then future memories that were bound to happen, all five different futures that varied on one specific persons decision.

"AHHH!" I clutched my head as it throbbed in pain.

"Be well, my child. Use this knowledge to your advantage." The creature grinned before it dropped into a scowl, "Don't. Let me down."

My vision was hazy, my head hurt, I was out of breath.

I blacked out.


After that incident, I woke up to the maids lined up on one side of the room and father beside my bed. They had found me passed out on the floor in front of my bed with cuts and assumed I was harming myself.

The maids were trying to comfort me and complimented me at least 5 minutes a day while father had guards placed at my bedroom door and instructed my maids to be at my side at all times. I was stuck with babysitters who most likely did not want to watch over the ugly daughter of the mighty duke.

Believe me, I didn't want them to either.

As the days passed, I was spending my time going through my memories. An overwhelming feeling of nostalgia had gotten me to quiet down more than I usually would in this life.

In my last life I was a woman who had been in my mid 30s. I had no living family, but I had friends who I was very close with. We'd drink every weekend and worked in one of the best game developing companies in the world.

One of the recent games that I created had made its way to number one in the country. I was proud of my accomplishment and had raised in ranks, until my death.

I was pushed off the building during a break time. I never knew who pushed me but it left me with a bitter feeling. I never got to say goodbye to my friends.

Life was sure cruel.

When I thought back to the game, I found that I was reborn into the ugly duckling villainess, Calista Teodora Vasilis.

Calista Teodora Vasilis was the main villainess in the otome game, 'Loving Soulmate For Sale: Maiden's Heart.'

She had purple ombré hair, big doe eyes, a fat nose, dry lips, uneven skin, short, and was incredibly fat.

To sum it up, she was ugly.

She used to be a kind and quiet girl, but ever since that day with the prince, she changed into a loud and obnoxious attention seeker. She was desperate for love, for attention, for the ability to be content with how she was.

So she went after every single boy that the beautiful heroine was bound to be with.

In the game, whatever road the heroine chooses, the villainess dies.

Well, not anymore.

I'm changing her- my future. I won't die by anyone nor will I give them the satisfaction of my death. I will choose when and how I'm going to die.

Not them.

I, Calista Teodora Vasilis, swear that in this lifetime, I will love myself.

The Loving Villainess Is A Ugly DucklingWhere stories live. Discover now