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Most of the day I'm either playing Minecraft or working on this so I want to say this: Just because I'm almost 12 doesn't mean I don't support #BlackLivesMatter so for any author who might be reading this put on your story I may be white but most of my family is black. I don't want to grow up having to worry if my sister or dad or everyone else in my family will die because someone decides their a good target just because the way they look so please if you are reading this and don't already support #BlackLivesMatter I'm begging you please do

I woke up but didn't open my eyes. Everything was too sore. After debating with myself for about 5 minutes I opened my eyes. The sun was shining through the windows on top. 

The birds were chirping their songs outside and snow was falling. I tried to stretch immediately regretting it. I groaned at the soreness I felt. I heard a chuckle from the corner of the room. 

I slowly moved my head to see Remus in the corner "Hurts doesn't it" he said. I only hummed I was way too sore to do anything else. 

"Severus should be coming soon" he said and as if on cue there was a knock on the metal door. "It's me Severus" he shouted. "Is it safe" "Yeah" Remus said. 

He opened the door and hopped down. I was still huddled in a little ball. "Is anyone hurt" he asked scanning us. "No" I said "Just sore" "Here drink this" he said handing me a small vile. 

My hand shakily reached for it holding  onto it tight. I took the top off and drank it slowly handing Sev the vile after I was done. "Remus do you need one" Sev asked. 

He's the nicest Slytherin I know. Remus nodded and Sev walked over handing him a vile similar to mine. He drank it all in one gulp "Thanks" he said handing him back the vile as I had. 

After a few minutes Remus was standing and walking around fine. I was still sore not as much but still very sore. We woke up my mum/dad and gave him/her a vile. 

I was the only one that the potion was taking longer to work. "How will we get back I mean we can't leave you" Remus said. "I'm still a bit too sore" mum/dad said "I can't carry her"

 "I can" Sev volunteered . He definitely was strong enough and he wasn't sore like the rest of us. "Okay" We all agreed. I felt like a burden though Sev having to carry me, us coming up with a plan to get me back home. 

"3...2...1" Sev said before picking me up. He carried me bridal style and set me down the  soft snow once to get out of the bunker. I never thought I'd be so relieved to get out of a bunker.

He picked me back up off snowy ground. I leaned into his chest absorbing the warmth. Remus and mum/dad were further behind probably because they were quite weak after transforming.

I looked up and saw Severus' eyes were now a dark shade of amber. He looked down and smiled at me. "You okay down there" he asked returning to looking ahead of him.

"Mhm" I hummed snuggling closer to him. I saw a light blush rushed across his face. We arrived at my house and got in through the back door.

The one thing I hated about living around a few muggles is the sneaking around and stuff. I'll be glad when Mr. Phillips leaves with all his cats.

Severus set me down on the couch gracefully and gave me a blanket. "You sure you don't need anything" he asked. I thought about it for a few seconds

"Actually there is one thing" I said " Come closer...closer...closer" I waited before his ear was a few inches from me.

Using all the strength in me I grabbed his cheeks and turned him towards me. I gave him a small kiss and smiled as he pulled away.

He ruffled my hair and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Rest up m'love" he said walking off. I pulled the blanket over me further. I wonder what the curse is. My mind was racing before I drifted off.

Our Blossoming  Hearts: A Severus Snape x readerWhere stories live. Discover now