Case Closed

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I put on a nice shirt and shorts as we got ready for the case against Sev's father. I sat on the bed as he got dressed.

We were talking about Hogwarts and other random topics. We were so close to becoming animgi we just had to finish our leaves.

After he turned around revealing his outfit I could see the worry in his eye.

"It's okay," I said walking over to him and cupping his cheek in my hand. "I'm going to be in the audience, and testify to,"

I gave him a small kiss and hugged him. "Come on we have to go," mum/dad called. We both ran out and into the muggle taxi.

"We have to go to the muggle...what's it called Severus...Ahh yes courthouse." We arrived ten minutes before it started.

I sat in the row behind Sev and he sat with a lawyer. Sev and his dad weren't aloud to be in the same room together.

"All rise for the honorable Judge Wilkins," said a man in an outfit. I watched as the surrounding people all stood.

I quickly stood up and watched as a women wearing a long black dress with weird sleeves. Muggles are weird.

"You may be seated," she said. I sat down with everyone else. "Ms. Maxwell call your witness to the stand, " said the judge.

"I'd like to call y/n l/n to the stand," the lawyer let me through the wooden doors and I had to swear to not lie. I

"Ms. y/n when did you first come to know of the abuse happening to Severus Snape," asked the lawyer.

"Thursday June 1 of this year," I said. They continued asking questions and there was one objection.

At one point I almost ran over to the stand because he had to show his scars. I bit the inside of my lip fighting tears.

"Has the jury made a decision," asked the judge "We have your honor," said a man in his sixties.

"We the jury find the defendant...guilty of all charges," Sev immediately hugged the lawyer I began crying.

"Thank you, thank you so much," he chocked. He ran through the wooden doors and squeezed me giving me kisses all over my face.

I smiled as happy tears rolled down my face. "We won, we win we win we won," I repeated jumping up and wrapping my arms and legs around him.

When he couldn't hold me I quickly jumped off. We celebrated by going out to eat. In the taxi I laid my head on Sev's shoulder and fell asleep.

Our Blossoming  Hearts: A Severus Snape x readerWhere stories live. Discover now