32. Driving Me Insane

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It's been about two months since Jamie and Charlie's accident. Everybody's still high in their emotions and walking on eggshells around him. He's finally been discharged by the doctor after two weeks of staying in and making sure that he's in shape. Sure, he still can't go to his work at the hospital because of his fractured leg and broken ribs but at least, he's still allowed to say overnight with Charlie.

It took about a week to convince him to finally leave Charlie's side and take care of himself. It was a team effort between our parents, me, and Blythe. I couldn't help but feel happy whenever she would help around the house, make sure that everyone had dinner, or whenever she would drive Jamie to Charlie when I'm at training and our parents are out working when he was still wearing a cast.

Slowly, Jamie's recovering well from the sadness and anger that he felt towards the situation. He made sure that the man who drove them over the road was placed into jail. He even spoke why he shouldn't be let out on anytime soon in the court. It ended up with him leaving in tears but at the very least, he was heard.

Charlie, the doctors informed us after a month, was finally breathing on her own. It was a promise that she was slowly getting better and all of us hold out hope that she would finally wake up soon. Her mother, too, never left her side, even going as far as wanting to move to the city because she knew that the hospital was good at what they do.

Besides my family, I was finally finding some sense of balance with Blythe. We were civil around one another but never like the old best friends. We don't have fun around one another anymore but we do bicker. We bicker about nonsensical things and it could be anything—the toilet seat, the way the utensils are arranged at the drawer, the placement of the coffee pot, etcetera. Honestly, I would rather get that than the silent treatment or hatred she gave me when she broke things off.

Soon, I'd gotten used to seeing Caleb frequently around the apartment. Sometimes I think she's making me taste my own medicine, making sex sounds just to drive me insane but I think that's just my wild imagination. It's why sometimes, I stay over at Grace's dorm. She's familiar and she loves me.

On a Wednesday night, I find her in the living room, talking to Chloe and Rosalie. Chloe's shouting at Rosalie about not being able to contact them for a long time. Glancing over, the corner of my lips twitch upwards seeing Blythe's face, how she's pretending to be mad. It's what she uses to get me to do stuff.

Used to.

Realizing that I'm acting like a creep, I walk back to my room and let them have their privacy. Soon, the coffee makes me want to go to the bathroom and I stop when I see my toilet paper sitting up. I roll my eyes and shout out. "Bly! You left the toilet paper sitting on up again!"

She always does this and it's not even right. The end of the toilet paper should hang not sit on top of it. Whenever Caleb would stay over and she needs to use my bathroom, she just can't help herself and correct it. As if, it's even right.

"Yes, because it should be sitting up not down like the psychopath you are!" She retorts, her voice louder than mine. "I thought we agreed on compromise, you control freak?"

I'm the control freak? She's the one who's using my bathroom and treating it as if her own.

"I'm not the control freak, you are!" I yell back.

"Oh really?" I hear her coming towards me, barefoot with her arms crossed. It's then I realized that the huge shirt she's wearing is Caleb's. It isn't covering her in the right places. "I'm not the one who decided to clean everything from top to bottom when I told you that I already did that! I sure as hell wasn't the one who kept telling me to do this and that. God, I'm seriously regretting living with you!"

Finding Life | Finders Keepers #2 ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon