34. Where Are You

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The game was definitely a harsh one. Caleb and sometimes Rhett almost got jumped because I was too unfocused and when I had finally did, we reached a winning streak that ended with the coach jumping and patting our helmets out of joy. Every bit of my muscles ached but it all subsided the second the time went off and we finally won. Everyone hugged one another, the cheerleaders did their victory routine, and the rest were shouting their asses off because of our win.

It was a great time. The guys were talking to one another while I gaze onto the bleachers to find my brother, mom, dad, and Grace all sitting side by side, waving at me with grins in their faces. It was a good thing to see my brother slowly crawling out of the hard shell that he created. That's why I should be content to see them there, all of the people who cares about me.

Except, I wasn't. Her familiar chestnut brown hair was nowhere to be seen and my heart immediately sinks. She broke another promise. The one where she will come to every game and will cheer for me no matter how angry or sad we are with one another.

I guess, she doesn't really care for me. All those times that we've been bugging one another in order to find some sort of peace between us, broken.

Caleb swings an arm around my shoulders and clinks the helmet in his hands with the one still stuck to my head. "Come on. Celebratory party time, dude!"

I try to smile. "I'll pass this one. My family's here so we'll celebrate all together. Hey, did Blythe say something to you about coming to the game? I thought at least she'd support her boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" He furrows his brows at me in confusion. Was he not...? "Oh. We're not together, Dean. We've made it pretty clear that we're just friends who have sex. Meaning, friends with benefits. It works. She knows I like her but she told me that she can't feel anything for me because she clearly loves you."


Did I hear him right?

The pace of my heartbeat quickens. My eyes widen in shock and so does his. "Shit. I let that out, didn't I?"

My gloved hands grip the collar of his jersey, a surge of anger coming out off of me. Why is he spewing shit? Is he just getting me riled up? Did he really want me to punch him? "What the hell are you talking about, you fucking asshole?"

He raises his hands in mock surrender. "Dean, get your hands off of me." When I don't, he rolls his eyes and continues, "That night when your brother was at the hospital, she came to you didn't she? She went upstairs to the rooftop and was about to tell you something. She was about to tell you that she loves you but you were dumb enough to call your girlfriend to be with you.

"When you two got back to the apartment and I called her, I came over and we talked about a lot of things. You were busy with your girlfriend to actually hear what we were talking about but she was confessing to me that she couldn't date me or lead me on because she has feelings for you. She cried that night, don't you know? I had to hold her and tell her that I'll always be there for her because I'm capable of loving her while you prance around with Grace and wipe it in her face. So, you're the asshole. Not me."

She was about to tell me that night? She... loves me?

Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck! I need to find her. I need to talk to her. I need... I need her.

He grips my wrists. "Now, dumbass, let me go and go run to her."

Letting Caleb go, I start to dart towards past the bleachers but I'm stopped when I feel hands on my arm, pulling me back. Everyone's in front of me, their eyes full of worry and confusion.

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