Chapter 1

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Anna's POV

My name is Anna White. I'm 18 and senior in high school although I'm graduating in two months which I'm very happy about.

I have older brother and sister who don't live with me and my parents because they got married. I also have one nephew from my brother that I adore so much.

We are having a family gathering this afternoon. I'm so excited to see my sibilings and my nephew. I planned to buy him a gift after school.

It's early in the morning and I'm currently listening to Math lesson. I was and I'm still a good student. I'm still in dilemma which college I want to attend because there are so many good colleges in USA.

After Math lesson finished, I went in my second class which I have with my friend Milla. She is really a good person and sometimes gets bullied because of that. And I'm usually the one that helps her to get rid of them.

I also have two more friends that I hang out with. Kelly has always been a bubbly one while Jennifer is more sophisticated. But we are great friend along with Milla.

When bell rang for lunch, everybody ran out and towards the canteen. I met up with girls and we headed towards the lunch tables. We sat at our usual one and opened our lunch. We don't like to eat in canteen, fearing that we might get food poison.

''So Anna, you have a family gathering today?'' Kelly asked her.
''Yeah, I'm super excited to see my nephew.'' I squealed.
''I remeber when I had crush on your brother, it was so humiliating.'' Kelly whined.
''I still don't get how did you have a crush on my brother when he is 30. That's like twelve years age gap.''
''So what? Age is just a number. And your brother was hot. Maybe he is still hot but I haven't seen him in five years.'' Kelly explained.
''And maybe you will find someone older too so don't judge.'' Milla chimmed in.

I shook my head.
''I think not. I prefer at least three years older guys.''
''You never know.'' Jennifer agreed with Milla.
''Whatever, we talked yesterday about the movies. When are we going to go?''
''The day after tomorrow. It's Sunday so it will be fine.''

We finished lunch in time as the bell rang again. I went to my locker to take my books for the next class. On my way to the classroom, I accidentally bumped into some man while he was talking with our principal.

''Sorry Sir.'' I apologized. He looked me up and down and his eyes landed on my eyes.
''Never mind.'' He said breaking the staring contest. His voice was gruff and nowhere near friendly.

He turned around and continued his talk with the principal. I shook my head and entered the classroom. My Science teacher was already inside so I just apologized for being late and he let me go, luckily.


I was walking back home and on my way I bought a little trunk in a toy shop for Thomas, my nephew. He is four years old and crazy for trunks and cars. He has whole collection of cars from some cartoon he watches and my brother gets pretty annoyed when somebody buys him new toy because he already has too many.

I entered the house and went in my room to get changed. I took a shower and wore shorts and loose shirt. I heard the door opening downstairs and Thomas's squeals.

I hurried down to see them already in the living putting their stuff down. When Thomas saw me he run to me and hugged my legs.

''Auntie, I missed you.'' He smiled showing his half missing teeth. I lifted him and sat him on my hip.
''I missed you too. You are big boy now.'' I tickled his stomach causing him to erupt in giggles.

I put him down and went to hug my brother and my sister-in-law. She is really a great woman and loves my brother a lot. They told her she can't have kids anymore and that they are lucky Thomas was born. They accepted that fact and they are grateful that they have their son.

My mom made lunch and set the table quickly. Thomas wanted to sit next to me and to feed him. I think I spoiled him too much but he is such a cutie.

''How is school going Anna?'' My brother asked me.
''It's good. My graduation is in two months.'' I shoved a piece of potato in my mouth.
''Did you ask about colleges?''
''Well I don't know yet. There are a lot of good colleges and I need to see in which one I'll be accepted.'' I explained.

My mom suddenly cleared her throat. I turned my head towards her giving her my attention.

''Actually, you don't need to push yourself to go on a college.''
''Why?'' I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
''Because you may not go to the college.''
''What?'' I raised my voice.
''Don't raise your voice at your mother, young lady.'' My dad said.
''Why wouldn't I go to the college?''

''Because you are getting married.''

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