Chapter 13

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Anna's POV

Has my big day really come? Am I really going to get married to the man I fallen in love with in less than a three months? Am I really going to be a married woman with a child and attending the college?

The answer to all of this questions is yes.

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time before going out of the room in the back of the big hall where the wedding will be and guests are situated.

A lot of people came, from our relatives to Edward's business parents with their families. My dad was waiting for me at the end of the aisle. His eyes watered slightly when he saw me but kept his emotions to himself.

He smiled softly before he took my hand and locked our arms together. We started walking slowly and music was playing in the background. As we got closer I saw Edward waiting at the end.

He looked so handsome and sexy in his black tuxedo with a black bow. I can't believe that this man will be my husband in less than an hour.

My man.

My dad let go of my arm and kissed my cheek. I gave the bouquet to Jennifer to hold it. Edward's eyes sparkled as he looked at me. He took my hand in his big one as the priest was starting the ceremony.

I was totally lost until the words 'I do'. Priest asked Edward and he immediately responded with 'I do.

''Do you Anna take Edward as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

I really didn't hesitate to answer but it seemed like I did until I breathed out 'I do'. It seems so easy to say but it so hard at the same time. Now I feel like some burden was lifted off of my shoulders.

We exchanged rings and I need to say that it is very beautiful ring. It's golden with our inicials on the inner part. Isn't this part when the kiss comes?

Just as I thought that Edward pulled me by my waist and captured my lips with his in a sweet kiss. My first kiss. I kissed back a little then he pulled away.

I was shocked. Extremly shocked but didn't want to show it. I heard everyone's claps and couldn't help but smile a little.

As we finished we went to sit at the main table. We soon saw big cake coming in our way. I personally picked this one because I couldn't rely too much on Edward. Cake came out great, better than I imagined it to be.

I was thinking if I have to sleep with him tonight. Am I ready to have my first time? But at the same time we are husband and wife. Isn't that normal?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Edward took my hand.
''It's time for dance.'' I nodded my head and got up. He lead me towards the dancing floor.

Music started when he put his arms on my waist. I locked mines around his neck and leaned in his touch. We were dancing slowly but I enjoyed to be like this. Just me and him.

I thought to myself will he ever have the same feelings as me. Will he ever love me like I do? Maybe not but I'm not giving up. When he kissed me it probably meant nothing to him, but to me it meant a world.

Song was finished and we both pulled away. He took my hand and led me back to sit while other couples danced on different song.

''Are you tired?'' He asked me.
''A little.'' He nodds his head and turned to look around the hall. I wanted to talk to him a little longer but this proves a point that I said before. No feelings.

Sofia came to me and tapped my hand to catch my attention. I smiled at her and picked her up to sit on lap.
''Hi baby. Have you been good?''
''Yes. You are so pretty today mommy.''
''Thank you. You are pretty too. I love your dress.'' She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck.
''Mommy I have a new friend.'' She said after she pulled from hug.
''Really? Who is it?''
''His name is Jason and he is four.'' Her cheeks tainted pink as she was talking about him.
''Can I meet him?'' She nodded her head and jumped down from my lap.

''Where are you going?'' Edwards asked.
''To meet someone.'' I smirked and took Sofia's hand.

She led me towards some other table where Edward's business partners were. There was also a little boy with brown hair and hazel eyes. Sofia ran to him and whispered something in his ear on which he giggled.

Some man then got up and he really resembled to the little boy, maybe he is his father. He smiled to me and extend his hand for me. I shook his hand back when he suddenly kissed the back of my hand.

''It's lovely to meet the bride.'' I smiled.
''I suppose that this is your daughter.'' He looked over Sofia with smile.
''Yes, she is. And she told me that she met your son, I suppose.''
''That's true. They are doing well.''
''I noticed. Well I'm glad that I met you but if you would excuse me.''

I leaned down to Sofia's level.
''Baby, mommy is going back to daddy and you can play with Jason a little bit more if you want, okay?''
''Okay mommy. I love you.'' She kissed my cheek.
''I love you too.'' I kissed her forehead and turned around to go back to my seat.

Edward was looking at me with an unreadable expression. I ploped down on the chair as my feet were hurting.
''Why did you talk with him?''
''Sofia met his son and I wanted to see who is that.'' I shrug.
''Why is Sofia hanging around that boy anyway?'' He grumbled.
''Don't make me annoyed now.'' I say.

He leaned in and kissed my cheek.
''Sorry.'' I looked over at his face but only to see sincerity in his eyes.
''Never mind.'' I say ignoring his cute pouting face that I wanted to squish right here.

Eventually Sofia came back to me and we were ready to go home. Guests already left and my family too. Driver was waiting in front of the hall for us. Edward was carrying already asleep Sofia in his arms as we got inside the car.

I was so tired and just wanted to go to sleep. When we arrived, I got out of the car and went inside with Edward following behind me.

He went to put Sofia in her bed while I rushed in our room. I immediately got inside the bathroom after I took clothes  to change myself into. I removed my makeup and took a shower.

After I got out fully clothed, I hopped in the bed just when he entered the room. I pretended to be asleep. After he showered, he came in the bed with me and wrapped his arms around me. I noticed that he was only in boxers which made me blush but my back were against his chest so he couldn't notice.

I was so sleepy and his scent lured me more into it. I was soon greeted with darkness in the embrace of my man.

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