Chapter 8

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Like yesterday I spent my lunch  with Em and the boys. Well not all of them. Mike was doing whatever and Justin wanted to do some stuff for school in our break Em told me.

Unmotivated I poke around in my food. I took a salad with a really strange meat like thing that tastes really bad. Why is this school so expensive again?

Noah is sitting on the table next to us and I feel like that's no coincidence. Next to him I can spot Austin and two other guys I don't know.

"They're the schools bad boys...", Emilia whispers in my ear so the others can't hear her.

With raised eyebrows I look at the four boys. These are the schools bad boys? They might be handsome and yesss they smoke. Wow.

"And what do they do to be called that?"

"Seriously Olivia? Don't look at me like that.", Em rolls her eyes at the look I gave her.", They break the rules really often and sometimes even get in fights with other students. They're also a lot of rumors about why they're here."

Rumors... I never liked it when people tell others rumors. In a lot of cases people tell stuff that isn't true. You can destroy others with rumors. I also had people talk shit about me. I know what things like that can do to someone even though I think these boys don't have problems with that. But until you are this person you can't know anything for sure...

"What kind of rumors?"

"People say that Noah is a drug addict... but like really hard drugs. Someone told me that he stabbed someone to get drugs and he already was in a few fights since he came here. Some people also say that he was in a gang...", she's still whispering.

In my eyes that isn't even that bad. Don't understand me wrong stabbing someone is horrible but as someone that's struggling with addiction I know how hard it is. And why the fact that he might be an addict alone is so scandalous doesn't make any sense to me at all. I should really don't tell anyone about my story if that's how people talk about themes like that.

"Nobody knows what's true because he never shares private stuff with people other than his closest friends. And normally he's also no one to ask a girl out."

"Em he didn't really ask me out...", Even though I'm of course not interested in him I might have liked her say he never asks girls out.

"Olivia of course he did and he talked more with you than he would with other girls!"

"We talked twice and the first time he seemed like my whole presence was annoying him. I have no clue why he 'asked me out' how you call it but definitely not because he likes me or something...", I raise my eyebrows at her. She isn't really thinking he wanted to seriously have lunch me, is she?

"You know what I mean. He must be at least a little bit attracted to you. Why would he talk to you if I was wrong?"

"Could you please stop with this bullshit. I don't want to fucking talk about it all the time!", I say louder than planned. This whole topic is just annoying me at this point.

"Would you mind not to scream? There are people who would like to enjoy their food in peace.", Noah turned in my direction. Sadly turning everyone's attention towards us.

"If I bother you so much why don't you just fucking leave?!"

This idiot only wanted a reason to start an argument and I'm not in the mood to ignore his annoying nature and act like he's not behaving like an asshole.

Instead of  answering he gets up and leaves. Right I couldn't believe it either. He just left. The faces of his friends show me that they're also confused.

"What was that?", Gabriel speaks out what we all think.

"I don't know...", I say shaking my head.


After school Emilia and I decide to go to the football field. The team is practicing right now and we decide to watch them since we don't have other plans. And I mean watching handsome guys do sport isn't that bad though.

"Who are all the other guys in the team beside the boys I already know?", I ask Em.

"I have to admit I don't know all of their names but I know the most 'known' ones.", she admits making me laugh.

"So you see that boy there left?", she points out a  guy with longer blonde hair. "That's Daniel he's actually a close friend of Noah as well but he isn't a bad boy. He's really nice and unproblematic. I have no idea why he'd be friends with these kind of people."

I nod watching Daniel.

"Then we have  Michael, Bruce and Tobias there the typical famous rich boys. You know what I mean the most girls want to be with them and stuff like that."

I roll my eyes at her statement. "Why are they even here?"

"I think they did stuff like drinking and having partys when their parents weren't home.", she only shrugs her shoulders.

"I don't want to sound rude but why are you here?", I finally am brave enough to ask what I was wondering about since I arrived. If you look at her she seems like a really nice girl that never does anything "bad".

"That's nothing I'm embarrassed of so there's no problem. I had some problems with my family mainly because I'm lesbian and that's something they can't accept. I think they just thought attending a very strict school would make me the perfect daughter they always wanted... But I don't care I never had a good relationship with them anyway...", she doesn't look bothered by my question and I'm happy with that.

"Seriously we are living in the 21st century and people still can't accept that not everyone is hetero? I'm sorry you don't have a supporting family...", Her story makes me sad and angry at the same time.

"I don't know they're probably stuck in the past but I'm really over it... What about you? Why are you here? If you want to talk about it of course..."

"I- well it's a longer story but the main part was smoking weed.", I don't look at her and watch the boys run over the field.

"I don't judge. Never."

I give her a warm smile and we both seem to want to change the topic to a nicer one.

Author's note:
I'm really sorry for this short chapter but it's more like a gab filler haha

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