Chapter 20

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Before I realize what's happening I'm covered in red paint. It must have come from above me but I have my eyes shut to not get paint in them so I can't really tell.

With my hands I try to get the paint out of my face as good as possible so I can open my eyes. As I open them they're a little burning but that's better than being completely blind and not knowing what's happening.

Around me I see the other students and even the teachers staring not doing anything. Thanks guys... It's still completely quiet but then I hear someone laughing. I'm not gonna lie I know who must have done this but as I see Tyler, Jamal trying not to laugh I feel betrayed. Noah this asshole they probably all planned this together.

I know it was stupid but I thought we got over the stupid stuff that happend. Seems like only I am... well was.

I know that the plan most likely was to embarrass me but it's only paint. I'm not embarrassed because I'm covered in paint. Something that is bothering me more are the stares I get. I look down on me. Well my clothes are definitely ruined. The red paint is all over them and will probably leave stains no one could get out. Thank you so much Noah...

Even though it feels like hours as I stand in the middle of the room just looking around it must have only been seconds. I meet Gracies eyes and she looks shocked. Well all of them look shocked.

I'm probably the only one that isn't that shocked. Hilarious right... I turn to look at Noah and our eyes meet.

"Red paint how creative...", I say rolling my eyes.

I must have suprised him with that statement because he stays silent. But he suprised me with this childish behavior so he deserves it.

As I make my way out I try my best to look confident and unbothered. I hate situations like that but I don't want to give them the reaction they want.

Nobody is outside and I deside to make a little walk. Yes still covered in red paint.

Walking through a forest or a park always calms me down. Well normally with music but that's not an option today. I just realize they haven't given me my phone once since I arrived. I can't have behaved soo bad, can I? Don't answer this question...

It's a little cold outside but I don't feel like going somewhere where I could meet people. Some tears fall down my cheeks. I'm disappointed I felt like Noah changed especially after yesterday night. Despite his odd behavior earlier. Maybe I should have known...

I turn around as I hear fast steps behind me. In the dark I can't tell who it is but it seems to be a male. Don't ask me why but for a second I hope it is Noah.

As the person comes closer I realize it's William I haven't seen him since Wednesday and you could say I'm really suprised he's here now.

"Finally...", he takes a deep breath seeming out of breath. "...I thought I would never find you."

I give him a confused smile. "Why? Did you search for me?"

He shakes his head and starts laughing. What's so funny?

"I wanted to check on you..."

"That's... nice I guess..."

"I guess it is...", he starts laughing again.

We're both quiet for a while and I feel a little uncomfortable.

"Silence again...", he says after a little and now I start laughing too.

"Yes... so you wanted to check on me? Why?"

"Intuition maybe... You seemed like it was not bothering you but I was afraid you would get a...well a panic attack... I just feeled like you should not be alone."

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