[𝔈𝔵𝔱𝔯𝔞 3] Zara Frimstone and Luca Orland

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A boy pushed Luca and said, "Do you really think you will never get expelled from this school? huh, such a garbage like you should have been expelled long ago! You are a disgrace! Oh, I forgot you don't even have a parents........who will you disgrace?"

Luca grind his teeth and grabbed the boy's collar. He pointed his wand at the boy. The boy's friend who were watching show in the sidelines finally moved and grabbed him.

Luca tried to move but he couldn't win against so many people. Just as he was preparing to get beaten until he is half dead, fire ignited. 

Flame howled like demon around him scaring the boys who were restricting him. 

Slowly a figure appeared from the fire. 

Luca looked at the short haired girl. His eyes reflected the cold face of the girl.

No one needed to look at the girl as her magic revealed her identity. Fire General Zara, one of the most powerful general and the person who fought against dark lord a year ago.

The boys immediately tried to run away. But the fire became orange shackles and caught their leg. The shackle dragged the boy who insulted him over here.

Zara pinched the chin of the boy and made him look up.

She slowly spat, "Ah........looks like the promotion made your family too arrogant! They need a demotion!"

The boy cried out loud, "No, please no! Don't do this!"

Zara evilly smirked, "You don't have the power to defy me. And now about you bullying your classmate...... I hope headmaster will give an appropriate punishment."

Then she used transfer magic to transfer them to headmaster's office.

Zara finally looked at Luca. Luca sneered, "I didn't need your help."

Zara sighed, "I know."

Using her thumb she wiped the blood which was at the side of his lips. 

Luca's heart started to beat faster at this.

Luca whispered, "You don't need to help me. I could help myself."

Zara smiled then suddenly she went closer to Luca.

Her soft lips covered Luca's. Luca's heart started to beat faster like it will come out from his chest.

Then her lips left. She licked her lips the disappeared.

It couldn't be even called proper kiss as her lips only touched his for a second but it was enough to set fireworks in his heart!


This whole week Luca avoided Zara. But today he was about go and confront Zara about the kiss of that day.

While walking down the corridor he heard some girls discussing, "Oh my goodness! Zara and Kelvin are so good together!"

Another girl laughed, "Yeah yeah, Zara is one of the strongest witch and Kelvin is also a rare genius. Besides with their face value oof I really ship them together."

The first girl nodded, "They have really big face value. I am already trying to picture their son or daughter! I can swear that child will be a national god or goddess. Many people will be rushing after."

Luca clenched his fist. These people......... why do they associate Kelvin and Zara always together? She definitely has nothing going on with that Kelvin!

Surpassing the irritating emotion in his heart, he walked towards the class. When he was about to enter the class he heard the voice of Zara and Kelvin.

Zara said, "That's not how you do it! Concentrate!"

Kelvin, "You are so good in it. You must have done it many time. It's my first time...."

Zara replied, "Who cares about your first time. Do it perfectly."

Luca was stunned by their conversation. Anger occupied all his senses. He walked over and opened the door.

The scene he imagined didn't greet him, rather he saw Zara sitting on a table and ordering Kelvin while pitiful Kelvin with his wand was trying hard. 

Luca asked in an awkward voice, "What are you two doing?" Kelvin looked at him as he met his salvation. Zara said, "Practicing how to cast a spell without muttering the spell." Then she casted a glance at Kelvin, "What are you spacing out for? Practice!"

Kelvin muttered, "You are treating me like I am your soldier."

Zara smirked, "Classmate, it's you who asked me to teach otherwise I wouldn't bother!"

Luca coughed, "I want to talk to Zara." Zara looked at Luca then cast a glance at blissful Kelvin and said, "Kelvin, you continue. I will be back." Then she followed Luca out.

After taking her into a empty room. Luca slammed her against the wall and said, "You...keep your distance from Kelvin."

Zara narrowed her eyes and arrogantly asked, "Why?"

Luca pitifully looked at her for a while then buried his head in her neck. With a soft and milky voice he said, "I don't like it."

Zara raised an eyebrow and smiled. Still she asked, "Why?" Luca buried his head even deeper and whispered, "Because I like you."

Zara slowly chuckled. Mission successful. The rabbit was caught in the trap. For a year, she has been luring this rabbit. Since it finally entered the trap, how can she let it go?

She will trap this little rabbit deeper and deeper until he cannot do without her.

She gently raised Luca's head and gave him a fierce kiss. Kissing his cheek, she hugged him.

She doesn't know who occupied her body during that time but she is grateful to that person. Because of her, she met her little rabbit though little rabbit seems to have forgotten about that time but it's fine.

Little Rabbit is her's.


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I was itching to write a dominating female extra. In last extra, both were pitiful cannon fodder so I couldn't change their character to dominating one. Hah, I am relieved chu~☾˙❀‿❀˙☽

Oh BTW the character chapter has been updated once again. I seems to have moved it's position to the last of last arc. Let me know, if it's there or still stuck in middle of 3rd arc!?

Quick Transmigration: Destroy the heroine systemTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon