119. Vampire Ancestor pets the Holy Priest (12)

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Suddenly a huge wave of fire burst forth, giving a fright to the vampire hunters. Even vampires also stopped fighting.

Not only vampire hunters but vampires also were frightened.

'Mommy, Don't you know fire is harmful for us?' thought vampire.

'Mommy, we almost got roasted!' thought the vampire hunters.

In short both parties thought was, 'Which bastard did this?'

Slowly within the fire, a figure emerged. Red hair like blood, twirling with the wind made her look like she was on fire. Red ruby eyes glanced at both parties.

The closed lips finally arched to a beautiful smile but her words were full of poison, "Ouch! Missed for a bit! Otherwise, history must been seen the first roasted vampire hunters. Such a pity! Hey, how about you stand still and let me set fire again. This time I promise, I won't miss."

Vampires, "......................." Hail the ancestor! She is great!

Vampire hunters, "Mom's mental retardation." Where did this snake diseases come from?

While Sia could hear continuous alert of +1,+1,+1,+1 hatred.

Without giving another chance , she again unleashed another fire attack. This scared the lives of vampire hunters. Can anyone tell them how, the vampire who is supposed to fear fire, unleashing one by one fire attacks?

Sia pouted, "Didn't I tell you to stand and let me roast? Why are you guys moving?"

Vampire hunters, "..................." As if they will stand still for her! Snake diseases!!

While vampires who were standing on the side dumbfounded looked at the one vs many battle. They were completely discarded by the vampire hunters.

Now, vampire hunters are completely focused on the poisonous women in front of them.

This women is so frustrating! Must be killed!

But how can Sia be satisfied with their thoughts of killing her? She needs to make them vomit blood and wish to discard her after cutting into eight pieces! They must hate her thoroughly.

If those cute vampire hunters knew Sia's thought, they would have vomited blood and died of extreme blood loss.

Sia suddenly brought out Scythe and started to attack. The Scythe which was giving off silver lush gave another heart attack to the vampire hunters.

Mommy!! This vampire can also touch silver!! Is this mutated vampire?! She is scary!

Sia yawned after seeing half of her hatred is filled. Well, there isn't not enough vampire hunters here to fill up her hatred, looks like it's time to let them go. She sightly slowed down.

Seeing a chance immediately all vampire hunters fled.

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