The New Job

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"But Dad, I don't know why I have to start today when you aren't even going to be in town for the next month. Lawson and Mrs. Morgan are going up to the lake house for the entire month and they invited me to go with them, and they leave tomorrow. Lawson won't start interning in the summers until after his first year in college. Why do I have to start this year if you aren't even going to be around?"

Cyra stuck out her bottom lip ever so slightly and stared up at her father through her large bright blue eyes. She'd gotten away with a lot in life through pouting and she was nearly certain that this wasn't going to be any different. She'd just get him to drop her at the Morgan's townhouse instead of taking her to the office on his way to the airport and she'd be set. Her summer job would be just an ill fated idea that never came to fruition and she would be free to run wild on the beaches of Lake Michigan.

"Listen Cyra, that pout isn't going to work this morning." He fixed his eyes on the car in front of him and gripped the steering wheel, steeling himself against her persuasive wiles, which he was certain she got from her mother. "Logan, that'll be Mr. Morgan to you, doesn't think that Lawson is ready to work for the company yet. But I know that you are. And I know that you'll be in good hands learning from Logan while I'm abroad this summer. He's one of the best businessmen in the country and while I'm gone he's without a doubt the best in the city. Keep your eyes open, do what he says and you'll learn more than they can teach you in that fancy college that I'll be paying through the teeth for you to go to next year."

Cyra frowned and turned her face towards the window, watching as the traffic grew thicker around their red Mercedes SLC.

"Dad. If you're gone and you're really going to make me do this, can I at least have your car to get to the office each day?" Her father's expression, which moments before had been serious as he wondered whether he was really doing the right thing, forcing his daughter to work at his business with his business partner when she so clearly didn't want to, split into a huge grin at her question before he began to laugh.

"No fucking way, Sweetie. But thanks for the laugh." Cyra glared at him before turning her attention back to the lake and the rapidly approaching skyscrapers, one of which was where she would be spending her last summer before college.

Her father had swept into his office and spent more time talking with his secretary than he did getting Cyra settled. He introduced Cyra to Mila, the dark haired beauty that sat at the desk outside of Mr. Morgan's office and answered his calls, and to Ella, his own gorgeous blonde secretary who, Cyra learned at that very moment, would be accompanying him on his trip to Europe. Cyra raised a carefully shaped eyebrow at this information, but said nothing.

"Well honey, Logan will be out to get you settled soon. But we've got a plane to catch. I'll see you later this summer. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Cyra gave her father a half hearted wave goodbye and settled onto a luxurious little couch outside of the enormous door that led to Mr. Morgan's office.

She smoothed the short skirt she'd worn and glanced around.

When Cyra was in elementary school her father had brought her into his office all the time. But that had been years ago in a different office. Now her father and his partner's offices were on the 87th floor of a silver skyscraper, and they had seventy hardworking employees, just in this office alone. She knew they had at least several hundred more around the globe, if not thousands, but generally her eyes glazed over when her dad started talking shop, no matter how much he wanted her to be involved.

"Cyra, honey, Mr. Morgan wants to see you now." Mila was looking Cyra over closely, a small smirk playing on her full red lips as Cyra stood and teetered for a moment on the stiletto heels of her black boots. As she walked towards the large white doors she tried to remember what she knew about her father's partner's personal assistant.

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