Teach Me

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Logan was beside her in a moment, one arm wrapped around her waist as he clasped her against his chest, all under the pretense of steadying the beautiful young woman who he'd been lusting after since the moment she walked through his door.

Cyra buried her head against his chest, her arms wrapping around his neck as she pressed against him, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, Cyra." His lips brushed against the top of her head as he continued to hold her, breathing in the sweet scent of her hair. Lavender. She smelled like lavender, he thought. "I really did think that it was you. Damn it. My son is more of a fool than I thought. If I were in his shoes you would be the only woman I'd even think of touching." The words were out of his mouth before he'd even realized that he'd said them out loud. He felt Cyra grow very still against him and her breathing, which had been coming in ragged gasps, sounded more steady.

Logan hoped that she didn't notice his body's natural response to her closeness. His cock was as hard as a rock and throbbed in his pants, pressed lightly against her stomach as she clung to him.

"Here, let me help you sit down, Kitten." The nickname that he'd been thinking of every time he saw her slipped out of his lips and she smiled shyly up at him, but didn't step away.

"Um, that's okay, Mr. Morgan. Can I just use your powder room to freshen up. I must be a mess. I'm so sorry for breaking down like that. I know it's really unprofessional."

"Please don't apologize Cyra." He stared down at her tear streaked face, stunned at how quickly she'd managed to pull herself together. Even after crying she still looked stunning. "And yes, please, feel free to go freshen up. I'll wait here for you when you're ready. And again. I'm so sorry."

Logan sat back heavily in his office chair. He ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. He'd never, not even for an instant considered the possibility that the girl in the boat house hadn't been Cyra and now he felt like a fool. Although truly Lawson was the greater fool. Who would cheat on a girl like Cyra? The boy should have told his mother to shove her fortune and should have fucked her years ago. Who was he kidding? He'd inherit more money than he could ever spend from his father as it was.

He heard Cyra's heels click across the marble floor as she emerged from the washroom, her light makeup repaired by whatever magic she kept in her small handbag. Logan felt his pulse increase as she drew nearer to him.

"Sir?" she asked in a small, sad voice, coming around to the front of his desk. "I just want you to know that your secret is safe with me. I do realize that's why you called me in here today. And the rest of it just sort of came out by accident."

He tried to think of a reply but for once he was entirely speechless. His eyes had already drifted down to her cleavage, which was again spilling out of her silky red halter top, and for a moment he thought that the button on his tailored trousers might pop off in its effort to contain his hard on.

"Thank you, Cyra." He barely managed to say her name and when he looked up from her breasts he noticed a small smile curving the edges of her lips.

"I've learned a lot from filing all day these last few days, Mr. Morgan." She bit her bottom lip lightly as she gazed at him, her eyes wide. "But I know that you have so much to teach me this summer. There's just so much I don't know, about business of course, but also about life." Cyra began to tug at the loose red fabric, drawing it lower playfully so that her nipples were only barely concealed from his eager eyes.

"I'm not sure if you know this, Mr. Morgan, Sir." The way she said the last word sent a thrill through his body he hadn't felt in years, "but I actually am a virgin. I haven't even properly been to second base yet, not under my clothes. And I most definitely haven't been to third base. I've never sucked a boy's cock in my mouth or given a hand job and I've never, ever ridden up and down on a man's big hard cock like the one I felt pressing up against my shirt when you hugged me earlier."

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