5: Good News, Maybe?

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To put it simply, it was physically impossible for me to sit still for the first four classes of the day. I think that is a perfectly good reaction to my crush of five years confessing that he likes me. First hour had me rolling my pencil back and forth across the desk. Second hour, "advanced theatrical arts", had me doing the choreography with extra enthusiasm. Third and forth had me tapping my feet and fidgeting with a rubber band until it was finally lunch.

Viv met up with me as I was walking across the courtyard. Earlier today I was on the verge of fainting from exhaustion, but now I had enough pent up energy to run a marathon. Not that I actually wanted to do that, mind you.

I think that energy is what made me do something that would normally require loads of bravery, encouragement, and maybe some vodka.

"Viv, can I tell you something?"


"I'm gay."

She tripped over her feet as we walked and I caught her by the backpack before she face planted on the concrete.

Her eyes bore into my soul for what felt like three hours until she said something. "Okay."

"That's it? Okay?" I mimicked.

"Yes. Honestly, Jake, what male theater kid isn't gay?"

I thought for a moment. There were only about twelve guys who did theater in my school. "Henry's pan, isn't he?"

"Same thing."

"So you're cool with it?"

She nodded. "Of course. You're my best friend, idiot. I don't really care who you're into."

She held the door for me which was sort of a running joke for us which had started when my mom thought we were dating in eighth grade and had told me that I should, and I quote, "Hold the door for my girlfriend." to which Viv said, "What if I want to hold the door for him?"

Anyways, she led me to our usual spot in the back. I say "spot" instead of "table" because we don't actually sit in any chairs. Just on the floor. I mean, nobody's ever told us we weren't allowed to.

She slid down the wall, pulling a sandwich bag of some kind of chip from her front zipper.

I sat beside her and she immediately decided to use my arm as a pillow as she so often did.

"So," she started, "you're gay?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"What was your sexual awakening?"

I flicked her leg and she laughed at my expression. "Oh, c'mon, what made you realize you liked men?"

"Don't laugh," I said. "You know Jason Grace, from Percy Jackson?"

"Oh my god," she muttered. "I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't that. Why'd you have to choose the straightest kid in the entire book?"

I shrugged. "Nico di Angelo isn't really my type."

"So who is your type, then?"

She had great timing with that question because I spotted Alec walking in just as she asked. Apparently he saw me too because he said something to his friends and started towards us.

I pointed a finger at him. "Alec," I said simply.

"Oh," she whispered. "Is he-"

"Yeah, I think so."

Her eyes widened as he sidled up to me, towering over both of us. He didn't say anything, just took his phone from his pocket and handed it to me, the add-contact screen open.

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