Guns, Guns, Guns

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"Drug money?" You asked, agape. JJ put his hands on your shoulders from behind as he cackled.

"Yes," Kie said, trying to keep her eyes on the road. "We want you in on it."

Your mind was running at a mile a minute. The boat, Scooter's death, the connection to John B's father, the money. Even a small fraction of that would be enough for a good lawyer and to get you and Kid somewhere safe. It was just the miracle you needed.

"I'm so in." You smiled at Kie. "What's our next move?"

"We're having a party, Ellie. We'll figure it out tomorrow."

"There's a chance we can make a shit ton of money and you're throwing a party?" You asked, looking back at him.

"Party's already thrown," he said, leaning back with his hands locked behind his head.

"Alright," you said with a sigh. "It's a good night to get drunk."

The party was in full swing when you, JJ, and Kie pulled up. John B ran over with a large grin and a few beers in his hands.

"Glad you could join us," John B said, handing you one of the cups.

"Glad to see you guys are still alive," you said, matching his smile and taking a sip from the cup.

"Welcome back Kie, JJ," John B said, passing JJ a cup, which Kie promptly took for herself. "As you can expect, the kooks tried to take over so just...don't start any fights."

John B looked directly at JJ, who put his hands in the air innocently.

"Follow me," JJ said, grabbing hold of your wrist. Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted Rafe and Kelce, who were whispering quietly back and forth.

"Wait," you said, pulling your wrist back. "We have to be careful with the kooks here."

"What do you mean?" You nodded your head toward Rafe, taking another drink. "You're not scared of Rafe, are you?"

"No, Maybank. But if he sees us and decides to tell my dad-"

"Then we'll be careful."

You let out a sharp breath, gulping down the rest of your beer. You offered your hand for him to take, which made JJ smile. He pulled you along to where Pope was attempting to woo a girl with his talk of dead bodies. The two of you plopped down in the sand by their feet. Pope sent an irritated look at JJ as you introduced yourself to the girl.

JJ pulled you around, introducing you to as many different people as he could, using a different version of your name to each person. You weren't sure how he came up with so many different forms of your short name, but he did. Somehow, he still made you laugh, even if your day hadn't been the greatest. Just being in the presence of him and his smile eased the pain just a little bit.

Despite the serotonin and alcohol running through your system, you couldn't get the money out of your head. That money would save you and your brother. Part of you knew better than to get your hopes up, that there was only a small chance that anything would come of it. Still, now that you knew the money was an option, you wanted it more than anything.

The night was wonderful, talking to Kie, sharing a few smiles with Sarah, dancing with the boys. And then it all dissolved when you let JJ out of your sight.

You were talking to Kie, laughing at a story of hers about the boys, when you saw JJ trying to offer Sarah and Topper something to drink. You didn't see who threw the first punch, but as soon as you heard the sound of a fight, you knew exactly what was going on. JJ had said something that put Topper off and now they were rolling around in the sand beating the shit out of each other. You pushed yourself out of the sand, to pull Topper away from JJ, but Kie grabbed your wrist and pulled you back. When you looked at her with pinched eyebrows, she tilted her head toward Rafe, who was watching you carefully. You growled to yourself, forcing yourself to stand by with everyone else.

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