The Edge of the Knife

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TW: There is a lot in this chapter that is really really heavy. First of all, there's a lot of swearing, more than usual. There is also a lot of verbal, emotional, and physical abuse at the end of this chapter! More than just hitting and shouting, there is some really intense stuff. If it is something that can cause you damage, mentally, emotionally, or physically, please be very very cautious. Your health is my priority. 

"Welcome to the Crackhead Wasteland," Sarah sighed as the van rattled along the dirt road.

"You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy," you said, lowering your voice. You smiled at your reference. But when you got a few looks that told you that joking wasn't really appropriate, you dropped it, looking back at your hands.

"I don't know about this." Pope peered out the window. JJ didn't respond. You watched his hands tighten around the steering wheel, jaw shifting. He stopped the car in front of one of the many run-down trailers.

"Dude, why are we at Barry's?" John B asked. He sounded tired; tired of the blockades he kept hitting, tired of not getting what he wanted, tired of JJ's shit.

"This'll only take a second," JJ told him, popping open the car door.

"JJ..." He pretended not to hear you.

"Where are you going?" John B called out the window.

"Yo soy justicia," was all JJ said in response.

"Did you glean anything from that?" Pope asked John B, who rolled his eyes and opened his door.

"John B, do you want me-"

"It's alright, Elm. I got it."

You sat in the car with the others, letting out a deep breath. There had to be something you could do to help him, but you weren't sure what that was. John B and JJ had been best friends since they were children. What could you possibly do that John B couldn't?

You jumped out of the van when you heard shouting from inside.

"Elm, wait!" Sarah followed after you and grabbed your wrist, stopping you from going any further. Pope and Kie climbed out after the two of you, standing just outside the house. "Let John B handle this."

"Handle what?" You snapped, spinning around. You pulled your wrist from her grip. In shock, Sarah took a step back. You turned away from them, tucking your hands underneath your arms.

"Alright," JJ said, walking out of the house as if nothing had happened. "We're looking at about 5 grand each. Reparations for putting us through that shit."

JJ tried to hand you the money, but you kept your hands back. He looked at you for a moment before scoffing and offering the money to Pope and Kie, who also didn't take it.

"So that's what we're doing now?" Kie asked. "Robbing drug dealers?"

JJ pressed his lips together.

"This Barry guy's gonna find out." There was a slight tremor in Sarah's voice as she spoke. "And he's going to come after us."

"Yes, he will," Pope confirmed, his voice a lot more steady than Sarah's. He turned to JJ. "Now's not the time to start wilin' out."

"How'd you like having a gun pulled on you?" JJ asked. He looked like an animal caught in the corner. Animals in corners had a habit of fighting, often forgetting the difference between friend and foe.

"Relax," John B said, stepping between JJ and Pope. You put your hands on the sides of your face, trying to push out the shaking before it even started. You could always handle your dad yelling. He was more like a yapping puppy to you now than anything. But listening to your friends shouting at each other? That was a new experience you didn't really enjoy.

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