Chapter 7

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You couldn't believe your eyes. The man that almost murdered Asta and blew smoke in your face was a magic knights CAPTAIN?!

He must've saw you staring at him with shock because all he did was smirk while looking in your direction.

This son of a bi-

Your thoughts were cut off as you heard the captain of the Golden Dawn start speaking about the exam.

You tore your eyes away from the muscular man and directed your attention to the Golden Dawn captain.

When looking at the Golden Dawn captain, you could tell that something wasn't right with him. Maybe it was because he had a weird mask. You shrugged it off thinking it was nothing. Besides, he's the captain of the greatest magic knight squad, and to top it all off, the Wizard King was the one who appointed him captain. So there should be nothing to worry about.

"Hello. I am William Vangeance and I will be the head examineer for this year's magic knights entrance exam. You all will be tested on your abilities. Each captain will be watching you to see if you are worthy of becoming a magic knight. Now, let's begin." (I know this isn't what he exactly said but this is a fanfic so I don't have to have the exact dialogue in here. You don't like it then that's fine. I'm just too lazy to find the exact wording.)

After Vangeance finished with his little speech, he used his magic to make a tree that ascended into the sky. It was magnificent! No wonder he is the captain of one of the greatest squads.

The branches on the tree descended toward the ground, carrying brooms for the people taking the exam.

A broom landed in front of you like everyone else. You picked it up and looked up at Vangeance.

"This first test is fairly simple. As magic knights you must travel around the kingdom. The most commonly used option of travel is a broom. If you can't fly then you are no use to us captains." Vangeance said.

So the test was to fly a broom. Shouldn't be too hard.

You wrapped Mana around the broom to make it levitate. You sat on the broom and using your Mana and levitated it into the air with you sitting on it. You got pretty high up, but not as high as some of the nobles. You looked up and saw Yuno standing on his broom. He was really high up. You looked below you and saw Asta struggling. He couldn't even seem to get off the ground.

You felt bad for him. You saw the man he was talking with him earlier was giving him some tips. You didn't like him.

The next two tests went by rather quickly. It was only magic control and creating something that would benefit a squad.

Yuno excelled at the tests, however Asta was still struggling due to not having any Mana. You were above average in each test.

When you used your magic some of the people didn't know what it was. You never really said the spells loud enough for people to hear.

However, there was still one test left that would definitely get you noticed by at least one of the captains. You had a certain spell that you were going to use. It was just a matter of timing and precision.

You buddied up with some random guy. He introduced himself as Ryan Torian. He seemed nice but you knew his personality might change during the time you would fight. You hoped it wouldn't. He seemed like a nice guy.

Asta got paired up with the man that you found out was named Sekke.

They were up first.

This was Asta's chance. You could tell. Sekke whispered something into Asta's ear which you could tell pissed Asta off.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 (𝐘𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐮𝐤𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now