Chapter 9

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It was early in the morning and you still were dead asleep. That was until you heard someone yelling as they went past your door.

It was obviously Asta and you groaned after he woke you from your peaceful slumber.

You got up and started to get ready for the day, knowing you wouldn't be able to get back to sleep.
You slipped on your clothes and did your hair. You finally laced up your combat boots and put your Black Bulls robe on.

You left your room and started traversing the shifting hallways, trying to find the stairs that led to the lower floor. You finally found them and headed downstairs.
As you walked down the stairs, you heard what seemed to be yelling.

You turned a final corner and immediately got hit with a ball of what seemed to be water.
The impact sent you flying into a wall and whatever sleepiness you had left was taken away at that instant.

"The hell." You groaned as you stood back up.

You looked up and saw Asta, Magna, and some girl with pigtails. She looked wealthy as she had nice clothing and looked all high and mighty.

Definitely a noble.

The girl stormed off and in the process said something along the lines of quiting the Black Bulls.

"What was all that about?" You asked the two boys in front of you.
They both shrugged and you face palmed.

There were still members sleeping so you decided to go to the library to keep occupied. Asta and Magna had went somewhere else.

You traveled through the moving halls and after a half a hour of searching, you finally found the library.
You looked around and saw many shelves lined with all types of books. You walked over to one of the sections and started scanning through the different titles that you saw.

You finally found something interesting and took it off the shelf. It was called "My Side of the Mountain." It looked interesting and you sat down and read it.
(A/n My Side if the Mountain is a real book and it is really good. I recommend it to those who like survival stories.)

You were thoroughly enjoying the book when all of a sudden you heard a very loud noise coming from outside the base.
You quickly put something in the book so you wouldn't lose your page and dashed out of the library to see what was happening.

Scenarios went through your head like
Are we being attacked?!
Is someone dueling?!
Will the base become completely destroyed!?!?

You didn't know and when you finally reached the door to the outside you looked up and saw a huge ball of water.
Upon a closer look you saw the girl with pigtails from earlier encased in the orb. It looked like she was drowning.

Other members seemed to be awakened by this or drawn to the sound since Luck, Vanessa, Finral, Magna, a half asleep Charmy, and the Captain were also looking at the orb.

You didn't know where Asta was.

"Her magic has gone at of control." The Captain stated.
"Since she's in there she'll get hurt if we attack it with magic... If only we had a guy who could neutralize magic..."

With that being said, Asta came flying toward the group and Yami caught him when he was within distance.

"There you are glad you could drop in. Now I want you to do something about that." Yami said to Asta.

"What am I supposed to do about that!? It's not like I can fly!" Asta exclaimed.

You cringed a bit as you knew that would give the Captain an idea.
The Captain held Asta with one arm and drew it back. A layer of Mana coated his arm for maximum strength.
At this gesture, Asta flailed about with a worried expression, and you stood there watching not knowing what to do. Even if you could stop this, you all still needed to get the girl down from that bubble.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 (𝐘𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐮𝐤𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now