Chapter 16: Avoiding

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Being done with someone while having to see them was more or less a problem. As much as Ga Eul cared for Yi Jeong she wasn't going to put herself through this pain anymore. Without realizing it, Ga Eul had indirectly hurt her parents who had been so worried about her, and yet... she had not seen it. To a certain extent, she had known their concern but she'd selfishly brushed them of, much as Yi Jeong had done to her.

At school, it was easy to avoid him. For the past few days, Yi Jeong had continued to miss school. Ga Eul hadn't asked F4 or the girls about his whereabouts, and it seemed like Yi Jeong had fought with them all. Everyone seemed upset and Ga Eul tried her best to push away the feeling of concern from her heart. She'd spent the day biting her inner cheek in worry that by the end of the day, she had not only drawn blood but the right side of her inner cheek was hurting so much she would no doubt be dealing with this small pain for at least a week.

Jan Di and Jae Kyung on the other hand encouraged her to still spend her lunch break with them at the F4 lounge.

"This won't be a problem Ga Eul." Jun Pyo had said to her.

"This is my place not Yi Jeong's. We don't want to pick sides seeing as you are both our friends but we have already made a choice."

"I don't want you guys to pick me and push him away."

"We're not." Woo Bin explained to her calmly.

"He's pushed us away and until he's ready to come back and deal with his problems we aren't going to push him." Ji Hoo explained.

"He'll come back when he's ready. But that doesn't mean we'll stop talking to you or chose one over the other. I think it's best to split into two groups when and if he comes back. We're on both your sides." Jan Di spoke offering Ga Eul a look of understanding.

"Yeah, but for now we all think it's best you two keep away from each other. It's not good for either of you to be together at the moment. Not until he pulls himself together." Jae Kyung exclaimed while the rest silently agreed.

Part of Ga Eul had wanted to be as optimistic as the rest of them had been. Then again, all she really wished now was for Yi Jeong to be able to find what it was he was looking for within himself and find some peace. Maybe then they could both talk and eventually become friends once more. Though she loved Yi Jeong she was not ready to open up her heart to him once more. She'd done so once and he had broken her heart and hurt her in a way she had never been hurt before.

"Why don't we all just relax. Ga Eul how about going shopping with us?" Jae Kyung spoke excitement in her voice while Woo Bin groaned.

"I'm not going this time monkey!" He protested.

"I didn't invite you Prince Song. This was strictly a girl's day but just for that you boys have to come."

"I don't know if I can go with you guys Jae Kyung" Ga Eul spoke unsure. 

"It'll be our treat." Jan Di encouraged.


"We're not taking no for an answer Ga Eul. It'll be fun and you can even bring Ariel."

"I think she already has plans." Jae Kyung spoke to Jan Di.

"I called her this morning and she seemed to be in a hurry."

"I haven't seen her in a while. We should make plans with her soon. College admissions are coming soon and Ariel has her heart set on New York. We might not see her again for a while." Jae Kyung said sadly.

"I could make arrangements against it." Jun Pyo spoke casually earning a hit in the head form Jan Di, and causing Jae Kyung to laugh while Woo Bin simply shook his head.

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