Chapter 69

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I paid no mind at the ever impatient Goddess of Light and laid down the blanket and food on the floor near the altar as I ignore the soreness of my muscles.

"Oh my! To have my favorite Holy Maiden cry for my birthday, I don't know what to say!" Since she's happy I leave the misunderstanding as it was. "But where's my cake? A birthday should have cake, Elaine. And what's this?"

She pointed at the bowl containing a clear liquid. I carried it with great care to avoid spilling the content to the other foods.

I laid down on the blanket resting my poor arms. "It's your soup."

"What?!" She exclaimed then looked at it suspiciously before tasting it. Oh~ even though her body was made of light she could still eat when her real body was at the holy land. "It's not soup but plain water!"

"Wrong. It's boiled water. Ah–. . I forgot to put some smoked salt. Sorry about that," I said tiredly and closed my eyes. "Happy birthday, Cianna."

". . . Thank you. I didn't think you'll make these after what I did to you, Elaine."

"I have been always nice to you," I stated the obvious and peaked at Cianna. ". . .Don't look at me like that."

She wiped the distrust on her face and ate starting with the chicken.

"You must have a lot of questions."

I sat on the floor and stared at her blankly while speaking flatly. "You don't say."

"But you've already got an idea." Cianna gave me a knowing glance before continuing to eat leaving the chocolate-coated custard cream cookies untouched.

"Pretty much," I admitted. "But it still doesn't make any sense." Especially if you don't know what's the cause.

"I guess it doesn't. Do you want to know the truth?" She asked with a hesitant voice. The carefree Goddess of Light was making a face.

Seeing how uncomfortable Cianna was, I shook my head. "No. Not for now. I want to solve it on my own first then we'll see if your story matches what I have found by then."

I now know that there's more to it than what I had concluded. It was deeper, something that connects to the goddess herself.

A relief smile touched her lips. "Then let's meet again on your 18th birthday."

"Why? I'm quite confident that I'll solve it before my 18th birthday."

What's this feeling I was getting? Is she going to do something out of this world again?

Her smile turned into a grin and with an exciting voice she said, "There's one manga that got mixed with the other books when I bought it from Earth. It was actually a doujinshi of my favorite manga. My curiosity got my eyes opened into another light! I might now be entering the world of yaoi!!"

. . . Doujinshi? Yaoi? What's that? Wait, no. I shouldn't ask. From what I got, she's saying that she'll go back to Earth.

"I–. . I see."

"Yes! When we meet again, I'll make you a fujoshi."

I don't know what that is but what harm would I face if I just agree. Probably nothing harmful, right? "Sure."

"Really?!" She became more thrilled.

What's this unsettled feeling I was getting? Did I make the wrong choice?

Before I could back down, the rest of the left food disappeared after Cianne snapped her fingers.

"I'll see you next time, Abandoned Princess." And she was gone.

I still felt bothered until the heroine arrived.

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