Chapter 98

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Happy New Year! ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧

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"Instead of crippling you until you're crawling while you beg for mercy, I'll give you a choice," Elaine greeted Guss the moment he opened his eye. She hovered above him, a dagger pointing down over his left eye. "Lead us outside, I assume you know a way without getting caught. Or you can let us hear your scream in agony. Which is it, Sir Guss."

They were hiding in a room that is for customers to do the thing after winning the bird they had particularly bid on.

"I'll... I'll l-lead you the way, just please don't hurt me." Guss closed his eyes tightly trying to squirm away from the sharp weapon.

"Good choice, little man. But don't think we'll let you escape. After all, you still have to pay us, we'll talk later about how much crowns you owe us. For now, our priority is not getting caught by his majesty." Elaine pulled away the dagger and stood giving it back to Bwi.

"H-his ma-ma-majesty!?"

"Yes, his majesty, the ruler of this kingdom. King Edmund Dishti Arias. I guess he found out your illegal works; kidnapping, bribery, blackmail, human trafficking, coercion." She opened the door. "Shall we?"

The passageway was narrow, they're almost sandwiched between two walls making it difficult for Guss to move faster since he has to walk sideways.

The thirty minutes in that cramped place wasn't the worst thing that had happened to them, not even when Guss had to release a wrenching gas because he's too nervous. Or when they had gotten out and drenched in the heavy rain as they find out that the stables were empty. Her patience was wearing thin and she might commit a murder in the middle of the fucking stormy night.

Should she go and look for Edmund with some kind of dumb excuse like they got lost or some shit? Telling the truth means the fault will fall to Bwi and Irene, they failed to protect the princess and endangering her. Who knows what will happen if he found out that his daughter had become a courtesan. He might even jump to conclusions and becoming irrational especially with Lucas by his side, that guy will just put gasoline on the fire. And Aiden— let's not think about him...

"I know a place! We can take shelter there..." Guss quickly spoke before Elaine could suggest digging a grave. "Don't worry, no one lives at the mansion for years. We'll just have to go on a different route if we want to avoid being seen on the road.

"Lead the way," she grumbled against the rain.

Guss nodded vehemently.

They trekked through the dark forest with hands held to each other in order not to get lost but also caused them to trip quite a few times. She glanced worriedly at Irene. The priestess had been quiet for the rest of their hike and Elaine couldn't find the right time to talk to Irene. Did something happen?

"Hey! How long do we have to walk? If you're planning—"

"I wouldn't dare. The people who I affiliated with, who also owns the Cage, left me. Actually, I'm just their slave, doing what they want and need," he said aloud with a voice that can be distinguished as bitterness. "I think it took me ten minutes but... I was in a carriage."


Grant me patience, Cianna, and give it to me now! The serenity to accept the hardships that life slapped on my face.

An hour? It's probably past midnight, Elaine wasn't sure but she stops caring anymore. She was nothing more but tired and ready to sleep where she's standing while she shivers in cold. The dress hugged her body exposing every curve of her body.

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