Do you even skate?

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After Grace left and my cousins finally settled down, which was around 9:30 I told them the news.

"Hey guys we're going ice skating tomorrow."

There were several collective groans and "whys?"

"It's with the Blackhawks players, so I guess if you don't want to go that's fine."

Liam and Jimmy both stopped what they were doing and looked up at me with wide eyes.

"No. You're kidding." Liam said shaking his head.

"Actually, I'm not. Grace is Corey's sister, and she invited us... all. But if you don't want to go that's fine."

"No we want to go." Jimmy said while Liam and Kate shook their heads, agreeing with Jimmy. 

"Alright then. It's settled, we're going."

11:00 couldn't have rolled around faster. I don't think anyone really slept last night, except for Mack and Ada. I didn't get changed until Grace came over because I didn't know what to wear. My cousins all borrowed items from my huge collection of Blackhawks clothes, but I personally had no idea what to wear.

I eventually decided on my signed Toews jersey and a pair of black leggings. I threw my hair up into a ponytail because I wanted it out of my face, and I didn't put on any makeup because I simply don't care. Once I was done getting ready, I grabbed my skate bag, and we were out the door by 11:30.

We arrived at the United Center around 11:45 and waited for Grace's brother to show up and let us in, which was only a few minutes after we got to the UC. Corey looked a little surprised when all seven of us got out of the car, but quickly shook it off. I could tell that Liam and Jimmy were freaking out, and to be honest, so was I, but I was doing a better job of hiding it or so I hoped. 

After grabbing my skate bag from the trunk, Grace introduced everyone to Corey, "Corey, this is Elliott and her cousins, Liam, Jimmy, Kate, Mack and Ada. She's babysitting them for a while." She said while pointing to each of us.

"Hi, nice to meet you." I stuck my hand out for him to shake, which he accepted.

"Nice to meet you too. How do you two know each other?" He questioned.

"Oh, we're neighbors." Grace answered while starting to walk into the UC.

We walked in and I was immediately floored. It was bigger and prettier than I imagined. We made our way down towards the ice, and again, I was in awe. I've always wanted to step foot in the UC, and now it's finally happening. I couldn't believe it.

Grace and I helped put everyone's skates on, before putting on our own. By the time we were done putting everyone's skates on, ours included, it was Noon and there were already a bunch of players and their families on the ice.

Jimmy, Liam, and Kate know how to skate, so they took off down the ice racing each other. Mack really wanted to, and tried, but he fell when he tried to go after his siblings. After they were done racing, they came to get Mack and teach him how to skate without my help. So, it was just Grace, me, and Ada. Grace kind of knew how to skate, but she wasn't that good at it. I stood behind Ada and held both of her hands above her head and just kind of pushed her around while doing swizzles.

"Who's that?" Grace said pointing at someone

"Who?" I looked up and it was one of the newer players, "Kirby Dach. 1st round pick, 3rd overall."

"Oh, so he's like good good?"

"Yeah, basically."

I went back to teaching Grace, and Ada, how to skate when suddenly a player comes out of nowhere, knocking Grace down and almost knocking me and Ada over. Thankfully, I picked her up quick enough to avoid being hit.

"I am so sorry; I didn't see you there." The player said

"No worries. Where are you from? You've got a little bit of an accent." Grace asks.

"Oh, uh, Sweden." The player was caught off guard by her question, and at this point I've figured out that "the player" is Adam Boqvist. They talked for a little more before he skated away, and I swear I saw Grace pull her phone out and they exchanged something. Seeing that he left, I resumed my spot on her left side.

"Ooh, someone's got a crush."

"No I don't!" Grace replied lightly blushing

"Yes you do! Look you're blushing!"

"I am not!" When she said this her blush deepened

"You really do have a crush! I knew it!"

"I literally hate you." She started to chase after me, but I already knew that was going to happen, and picked Ada up. Before she started to chase me, I skated over to Liam, Jimmy, Kate, and Mack to give them Ada to take care of for the next five or so minutes.

"Hey guys just watch her for like five minutes please."

Before they could even answer, Grace caught up to me so, I took off. We probably looked like maniacs because in society's eye, we were adults. We did several laps around the rink before she called out my name.

"What?" I said turning around to look and make sure that it was Grace who called me.

"Watch out." She said winking.

I quickly turned around and then all of the sudden, I was on the ground with a player laying next to me.


Hehe I love a good old lil cliff hanger; don't you? Try and guess which player Elliott bumped into.

Should Grace end up with someone that Elliott sets her up with, or stay single??

And if Elliott sets her up, should that person be a Blackhaws team member (who??) or one of Elliott's friends??

Sorry for not updating for a bit... I've been a little busy


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