Chapter 10

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Cato's POV:

As I left Clove's house, I started thinking about the events that occurred today. Why would she cut her own arm like that? It makes no sense. Maybe it was a girl thing. After around 10 minutes of walking, I was finally at my house. I unlocked the door and walked into the dark house. Everyone was probably asleep by now, so I just went to my room and went to sleep.


The next morning, I woke to my annoying alarm clock. I flung my arm towards the object and tried to turn it off, but in the end I ended up breaking it. This was the fourth time that I've broken my alarm clock this month. I dragged my body out of bed and lazily walked to my bathroom. After my short morning shower, I realised that I didn't bring my clothes in, so I wrapped my towel around waist and walked out.

When I opened the bathroom door, I saw that Clove was standing in my room.

"Oh my god." She said quickly as she closed her eyes and turned around.

"Why are you in my room, Clover?" I asked as I walked towards her.

"You forgot your jacket at my house last night." She said as she flung the jacket towards me.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I tried to look at her.

"I'm shielding my eyes from your disgusting body." She said as she placed one of her hands over her eyes.

"Could you just go over there so I can leave?" She said as she pointed to the bathroom. I rolled my eyes and walked back into the bathroom. As I entered, I heard my bedroom door open and close.

I brought the jacket up to my nose and sniffed it. It smelled like her, but I couldn't figure out what the smell was. I left the bathroom and dumped the jacket on my bed. I went to my drawers and looked for something to wear. I picked out a dark blue shirt and black jeans. I put my black sneakers on, dumped my training clothes in my bag and left the room. I quickly walked down the stairs and sat in my usual seat. Mimi came into the dining room as soon as I sat down and handed me a plate of egg, bacon and toast.

I quickly ate the food on my plate and called, "Bye Mimi." I exited the house and walked down the concrete path. Some roads in District 2 are dirt, but since I live in the richer part of the district, the roads are concrete.

As I got closer to school, Jake came up to me. "Hey mate. Long time no see." He said as he punched my arm.

"Well, I've been busy." I stated simply.

"With who?"

"No one." I lied. In that moment, I saw a short girl with a long ponytail running about 50 meters away from us. She was wearing a navy sports bra and black leggings. It was Clove.

"Hello?" Jake said as he waved his hand in front of my face.

"What?" I said as I looked at him.

"I asked who that girl was." He said.

"What girl?"

"The one you were just staring at. She doesn't exactly look like your type so I'm guessing that you knew her."

"Oh, that was Clove. I'm training with her for the Hunger Games." I said simply.

"And you have a crush on her?" He said as he raised his eyebrow at me.

"We're just friends." I say as I shove him.

"I bet that you'll be more than friends by next year."

"As if." I laughed as we approached the large brick building. We both slowly walked to class and took out seats. Classes passed slowly and it was finally time to go to training. I walked out of the classroom and saw that Clove was walking out of her class and towards the front door.

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