Her Name is Dakota

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** Lia's POV **

We had been sitting in the Ranger's station for hours. The sun had just made it over the horizon and the clock read six-thirty AM. I peered over at Al who had sat in the chair next me all night. She was now practically laying in the chair with feet on the desk, her head tilted back, mouth agape. She had been snoring for the last two hours.

Every now and then, I thought I would get a break from it when Al would quiet down and begin to breath normally, but then she would fall silent and after a few moments she would snore so loud it shook the room. How does Frankie deal with that? I thought to myself.

My eyes were tired, and my stomach growled constantly. I wish I could say I wasn't giving up hope for a call, but my body was getting done with this. I wanted food and at least a small nap before starting this all again: but every time the thought of leaving convinced me to get up and go, the thought of her calling makes me sit back down again.

This time was no different. I got up, made my way to the control room door, touched the handle, shook my head, and sat right back down in the chair. My stomach growled in protest and I wrapped my arms around my waist to quiet it. Just then Frankie walked in with two bag-fulls of takeaway from our pack's Diner.

"Looks like I came just in time." They said as they handed me one of the bags. "Two servings of Biscuits and gravy with hash browns and grits on the side."

"Frankie! Thank you! Ugh, you are the best!" I said, as I ripped the bag apart and opened the containers. I grabbed the fork provided in the bag and began to devour the delicious meal in front of me. As I did so, Frankie walked over to their wife, put the food on the counter and gently woke her.

"Sweetheart, I brought breakfast." They cooed to her and immediately backed away. Al made a punch in the air in the direction of where Frankie had been and sat straight up.

"What? Where am I? What's going on?" She said, and calmed down as soon as Frankie wrapped them in a hug.

"How many times did you have to get hit before you realized to do that?" I asked, astounded.

"I can easily say, one too many." They said matter-of-factly, as they gave Al their fork. "Brought your favorite dear; a full English Fry-up."

"How did I get so lucky?" Al said with a full mouth.

"I'm the lucky one," Frankie said with a chuckle and continued "After all, you're the only one that can make talking with your mouth full sexy." They laughed again.

As we busied ourselves eating, the phone rang. Al and I both looked at it, frozen, as our mouths were both filled. After the second ring we both glanced at each other, and then back at the phone. It became a race to see who could swallow their food first and answer.

The phone rang a third time and as we were tied neck and neck, both mid swallow, Frankie reached out and answered the phone. We watched as they spoke, "Forest Preserve. This is Park Ranger Frankie." They paused, nodded a few times. I was so annoyed the receiver's volume was so low that I couldn't hear who was on the other end of the line.

"A wolf incident?" They glanced at me and raised their eyebrows teasingly. It was her. "What time did this occur?" A pause, "I see, can you describe the wolf for me?"

My heart skipped a beat. Did she like me? I thought to myself.

"Of course, and what is your address?" Frankie asked, acting far more professional than either Al or I would have. I was so thankful they were the one to answer the phone, though I desperately wanted to hear my mates voice. I had heard her shoo me away, but if I'm to be very honest, that doesn't count.

"Yes ma'am, I'll send two of my Rangers over that way right now if that's alright." Another pause, "Yes, we like to visit the sites to measure paw prints and what not. This helps us track the population and their activity. Would you be at the address you gave me this morning?" Another pause, this would definitely be the death of me if it didn't end soon.

"Excellent, my Rangers will be right over." Frankie replied, smiling into the phone, then put it back onto the receiver. "Well," They began, "your mate has a lovely voice."

"What did she say? Did she like her wolf?" Al asked, eager to pull out all the information she could from her lover.

"Why don't you go there and ask her for yourself?" Frankie stated and tossed me a wink.

"Ugh." I sighed, "Why am I so nervous?" I whined, I knew the behavior wasn't becoming of an Alpha, but I knew I could trust Frankie and Al.

"Because this is the love of your life! The person who makes you complete! The person who could make or break you, and of course you're scared of screwing it up!" Al began.

Frankie and I just stared at her, me open mouthed and Frankie looking ever so stern. "Look," Frankie started, placing their hands on my shoulders and staring into my eyes, "you have nothing to worry about. Trust me. Based on just the tone of her voice, she liked the wolf she saw."

My stomach filled with butterflies, "Really?" I asked, hopeful. "Do you mean it?"

"I mean it. I mean, she was freaked out by all of it combined, but she was intrigued by you."

I smiled from ear to ear.

"Well what are we waiting for?" demanded Al, "let's get going!" She tossed me my ranger jacket and shoved me out the door. Before I left, I grabbed the door frame, holding myself still as Al kept shoving me.

"What's her name?" I asked Frankie.

"Dakota. Dakota Hartwood." They smiled, "Now go. Don't keep her waiting."

I put my jacket on as quickly as I could and ran to the car, Al following close behind. I started the engine and drove as fast as I could, not waiting for Al to close her door before starting.

**Author's Note: Finally!! After what has been, the most distracting day of her life, Lia finally has a name! 
If you've liked what you've read so far please follow this story and head on over to the next part to see what happens!
Oh, and please leave a comment answering this question: What is the most beautiful name you know? **

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