Come Back

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** Dakota's POV **

As we made our way back to the cabin, I kept thinking about what life had been like when I was a kid; so desperate to be in the forest. My parents definitely picked up on my love and reverence for nature and enrolled me in Girl Scouts and as many nature camps as they could find.

When I was old enough, my father took me hunting and camping all year round. He would hunt rabbits and beaver in the winter and I still remember the first time he brought me with. He talked about teaching me how to track and hunt and sounded so excited and proud to be able to show me the ropes. However, once we got out there that quickly changed. By the time he woke for our day of hunting I had already caught our day's limit. I just remember that look of disappointment in his eyes; not because he was mad at me or disappointed we couldn't spend all day hunting, but because he felt like he had nothing to teach me.

A pang of sadness went through my heart as I remembered how deflated he looked. I wished I could have pretended not to know what I was doing; but hunting came so naturally to me. Tracking the creatures, staying down wind, stepping without breaking sticks; all of these were just common knowledge to me. I felt so bad that I had unintentionally robbed my father of the opportunity to teach his only daughter the hobby he had loved so much.

"Everything alright?" That smooth voice inquired close behind me, I was immediately aware of my drooping shoulders and straightened my back.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied hastily, "Just thinking of my dad."

"Ah," Ranger Accalia said simply, slight hesitation in her voice. "I'm sorry. Is he..." She let the sentence fade as the implication was made clear.

"Oh no, he's very much alive. He and my mom live about five hours away from here. Sometimes it's hard to find time to see them with all the work I have to do. That's all." I shrugged, not wanting to get into the details.

"I see, well, if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here." She stated; and I believed her. It was funny, this woman I had just met and had barely known for a few hours was so... real. I felt connected to her already and absolutely wanted to get to know her more.

Introducing, U-Haul Brain (UB): We need her number. We need her. She's just, ugh, she's so perfect I want to die. Get it. Get. The. Number. We will talk to her forever. And—

HB: Woah, calm down, we hardly even know her.

AB: For once, I agree with you HB. Have you even SEEN her UB? Ranger Accalia is; A, an intimidating Ranger and B, most certainly OUT OF OUR LEAGUE. Plus there is always a chance she is a serial killer. Just saying.

UB: Are you kidding? A. we are into badass Ranger ladies and B. did you catch her staring at us earlier? Caution to the wind I say! Pursue with reckless abandon!

AB: Sure, sure, sure. Whatever you say UB, but you are forgetting one thing.

UB: What's that?


UB: ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? My gaydar is going OFF! I mean sure a lady, can have short hair, muscles for days, and be a ranger without being into women but she is checking out our ass right now! Case closed!

AB: But--

As I debated on whether or not I was even in the same league as Ranger Accalia I opened the door to the cabin. Once inside, I saw Ranger Alexa who had apparently frozen the moment she heard the door open because she stood absolutely still with a box in her hands and eyes as wide as a deer's, just, looking at me. Behind her was a mountain of cardboard boxes all strategically constructed, with Silvy sitting contentedly in the center of her new box kingdom.

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