Chapter 47: To Die For

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'Couples holding hands on a runway, They're all posing in a picture frame, Whilst my world's crashing down' 

Seated at the desk in his office, a tumbler of liquor in hand, Terrence Vendetta stared blankly out the windows of his office. His mind was hung up on the way Lilianna had yelled at him. Yes, they had fought countless times before, but this one was different. This one she had hope. While every other fight had taken place during a time when she wanted nothing more than to get off the island, this fight was spoken with deep inner knowledge. Almost as if she was aware of something he had yet to unravel. Usually, he had no fear when it came to her outbursts, he would find a way to fix it. Perhaps some Christmas shopping in Rome. But as he sat in his office, replaying her words in his mind, he continued to feel uneasy about her sudden hope. A hope that almost felt like an escape. That there was more to her future than Casa Elite. Terrence closed his eyes and downed the liquor. Whatever she had done, he hoped he wouldn't have to hurt her for it. 

Lilianna tossed and turned in the plush sheets of the unfamiliar bed. Her breathing was erratic as she kicked helplessly. She mumbled incoherently, her words forming into pleas for help. The nightmare consuming her evoked a heart-wrenching scream from her as she jolted awake. Lilianna tried to catch her breath as she gripped her chest. The rapid thumping of her heart was beating against her shaky fingers. After looking around the room quickly, she let out a deep sigh, sinking back into the mattress. 

Just as she pulled the covers up to her chin and snuggled up to fall back to sleep, there was a light knock on the door. She watched the door handle, silently praying the visitor would leave. There was another knock and then someone called softly through the wood. She ignored them, the knock and voice repeating but this time slightly louder. 

"Lilianna? Are you awake?" Otis asked, his tone concerned. He had heard her scream from across the hall and knew she was having a rough night filled with more nightmares. Terrence had mentioned that she was waking up less and less through the night. Having someone in the room with her seemed to keep the nightmares at bay. She would never admit it but sleeping next to Terrence helped. 

"I'm fine, Otis." She called back, flipping over to the other side of the bed, further away from the door. She heard the door open, making her sigh in annoyance. 

"What do you want?" 

"Nightmares?" He asked. She nodded, sitting up and dragging her fingers through her tangled hair. 

"Anything I can do to help?" He continued, standing at the foot of her bed. 

"No, I just want to sleep." She answered as a way to hint to him she wanted him to go away.

"Thank you for what you said in the kitchen. You didn't need to stand up for me like that." He thanked her with a small smile. 

"He was being an asshole. Calling him out brings me great joy." She shrugged. 

"Well, I hope it stuck. You make him a better person, believe it or not." 

"Yeah, if that was true I wouldn't have been kidnapped in the first place." Silence fell over them, the moonlight shone through the windows, bringing the room to life. 

"Matthew is grateful for what you said too. He's not much of a talker as I'm sure you have noticed. Socializing has never been his strong suit." Otis added, trying to smile and keep the conversation positive. 

"Yeah, I'm glad my words did something." She nodded, avoiding eye contact. 

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay by yourself?" He repeated. 

"I did it throughout my entire university education and adult life, I think I can handle this just the same." She assured him. 

"Okay, goodnight Anna." Otis waved, holding the doorknob hesitantly. 

Crazy = GeniusOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora