2 years later

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2 years later

Jungkooks still in a coma.

I was diagnosed with Depression

I'm in a mental hospital just staring at white wall refusing to eat not talking to anyone but myself I don't take my meds I hallucinates which are really annoying

I'm still very wanted but the hospital keep me here to Help me and keep me from the outside

"Hey Tae we have you lunch please eat"

I hear Jimin Walk in the room.

I was still staring at the white wall crying

"Can I sit next to you"
I nodded and he sits down

"can you talk to me" I look at him with puffy eyes

"I-I-I"I struggled to say.

"It's okay you don't have too"

I Pulled him in a tight hug which was shocking as I haven't hugged or spoken to anyone for 2 years.

"You hugged me" jimin smiled wide

I smiled at him and opened my mouth

"H-Hi J-Jimin" his eyes Widen and smiled again


"Hello sir visiting times are over"
The nurse came in and jimin nodded

But before he left I grabbed his arm

"Don't l-leave me" I whispered and he smiled and nodded

"Ma'am I'm not leave him"
"Sorry but you have to"

Jimin smirked and Lifted his shirt slightly showing his gun

Her eyes widen and ran out.

"Good now lay down I'm tired"

I nodded and led on my bed leaving a space between us

"Good night Tae"

"Night jimin" I whispered back

The next day I woke up with a pain in my head like always.

I groaned and saw jimin sleeping back facing me.

I gently rocked him trying to wake him up.

"Hi Tae" he groaned and faced me

"I better go before the nurse comes back with your meds"

I shock my head and jimin sighed

"Please Tae jungkook would want you to be healthy when he wakes up"

I bit my bottom lip trying not to cry at the name.

"O-ok I will" I whispered again.

Suddenly the door opened and revealed the nurse

"I'm here with Mr.Kims Medicine" she
Handed jimin my meds

"And please mr Kim take them" she smiled and walked out

Jimin handed my medicine and I threw it in my mouth and swallowed it

"Good" he hugged me

"Well I better go I'll visit later okay"

I nodded and he left

I was alone again....

Insane love <(Taehyung+Jungkook FF)> Where stories live. Discover now