And middle aged man and the young girl

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Me and Jungkook walked out of the hospital holding hands.

"Ok you pick who dies tonight" Jungkook giggled like a child

"Ok then" I let go of his hand and Ran behind a bush.
Jungkook followed me smirking

"Then two" I pointed at a middle aged man and a Child about 16

He smiled and snapped a swig with his hand getting the mans attention

"Who's there" he yelled
I rolled my eyes as I hate that phrase

"Bitch I have a name" I jumped from the bush and ran to the little girl Pointing a knife at her throat.

"I hate when people don't say my Name" I smirked as I saw the fear in his eyes

"V-V" he stuttered

Suddenly Jungkook came out clapping his hands

"Well done baby"

I giggled still pointing the knife at the girl

"K-kook b-but y-y-you d-died"

"Coma actually" he giggled like a psycho and got his gun out

"And me I'm very very bored and want some fun" he shot the man on the shoulder making him scream

"Oh shush that won't kill ya but his might" he punched the man in the face making him groan

"Hey baby what should we do Torture or kill them"

"Torture that's more fun" I smiled And gave the girl a tiny Cut on her Neck making her Whine

"Ok then"

"Follow me I have a secret place what I used for my killing spree"I giggled proudly and began dredging the girl by her hair to my hideout.

Once we arrived we both threw the people on the ground.

"Now what do you two do for a living" I smirked and sat On the ground next to them as jungkook ties them up

"I-I-I'm a t-therapist" the man said shakily.

"I-I'm still in school" the young girl sobbed

"Hey your lucky I don't like Torturing kids you'll get a short painless death but you my dear with get a painful one" I giggled psychotically

I shot the girl in the head killing her instantly and Earned a scream from the man

Jungkook smirked and pulled me into a kiss

I giggled through the kiss then pulled away and Stood back.

"Have fun"

He smirked again and Made a long cut across the mans face

I took the mans Shirt off And it revealed a bunch of bruises and old Scars.

"Wow someone really doesn't like you" jungkook Smirked And stabbed the man in the Stomach

The man screamed and Had tears down his face.

"What's your name" I smiled


I giggled and lap in he mans lap.

Jungkook glared at Chanbin and Threw the knife at the mans Neck giving him a slow death.

"Jealous much" I grinned ant pulled him in a short kiss


Jungkooks Wrapped his arms around my waist giving me kisses on my jawline.

"K-Kookie p-please Let's go h-home and do this"

He nodded and went to leave

"Wait I need to go something"

He nodded and I told him to pick the man up and follow me who was holding the girl

I sat the girl on A chair and I put the man on the other chair.

I grabbed a post-it-note and a pen and Wrote this down.

First kill with boo

Ps: sorry for the mess

Love from...
V and kook

I showed jungkook the note and I stuck it on the mans head

"I didn't know you like playing with dolls"  he smirked

"This is my way of showing my sorrow" I joked and we began walking home.

Insane love <(Taehyung+Jungkook FF)> Where stories live. Discover now