3: Wade the spade

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Peter P.O.V

I have a bruised stomach, face, and arms, but other than that, I'm alright. Well, I haven't eaten in a few days, but it's fine, humans can survive up to four weeks without food. For me though, I probably have four more days before I pass out, but I'm sure I'll eat by then. Hopefully.

I'm sitting on the subway, taking it to school from aunt May's apartment. The subway slides to a stop and dings and the doors open.

I spent an hour of last night talking with Tony, and we got to know some things about each other, like some of his pet peeves, or my grades. Tony was amazed by it, all A's and he said "You get all A's in everything, you correct your teachers in S.T.E.M., (Science, technology, engineering, and math) but you want to pursue a career in handing out sandwiches?" I stayed silent.

I'd never tried to get a better job. No company would ever want me to work for them.

The flood of people that step in are less than usual, to my surprise, and thanks. I have a book in my lap, and I'm reading it as it starts going again. I look up when someone sits from the seat across from me. A kid, probably my age, who has blond hair and blue eyes is staring at me and I start to blush. He's cute. He smiles and I don't know what to do. What do I do? What do I do? Shit Shit Shit! I just give him a quick smile back and return to reading. I look up a few more times and see he's still looking at me, and I feel my face turn red.

Dear Lord, I'm a Bi mess.

When the subway stops and I get off, before I can breathe a sigh in relief, I see the boy start to follow me.

Okay, Peter, calm down, just get to school.

The only -well, not only- problem is, when I reach the schoolyard, the boy is still following me. I keep my head forwards.

And then I feel a light tap on my shoulder and turn to be facing the boy. "Hi, I'm new here, I was just wondering if you could take me to the office?" He says with a grin, showing white, straight teeth.

"Um... Uh, y-yeah, sure, um... follow me." I stutter. I start to walk and he jogs over to tread by my side.

"I'm Wade, by the way. Wade Wilson." He says and sticks out a hand. I shake it.


"What class are you in first?"

"Mr. Harrington's Math."

"Hey, same!" I feel a mix of joy and panic.

"So since you're new here... What school did you transfer from?" I ask after a few more seconds.

"Canada." He replies. I wonder what it's like to live in Canada, and which state he lived in. No, wait, not states, territories and provinces.

"Seems like a pretty large school," I mutter. Wade laughs.

We continue talking until he reaches the office. On the way there, I spot Ned and MJ, who look at me, and Ned asks with his eyes Who's that? What're you doing?

"Are those your friends?" Asks Wade. He waves to them, and they wave back.

"Yeah, that's Ned who's waving and MJ is the one who put up her finger."

"Huh." When we get to the office, we depart, but only after Wade says goodbye to me, in which part I blush like a madman and wave back before practically running down the halls to Ned and MJ.

"Who was that?" Asks Ned accusingly.

"He's a new kid, coming to our class. His name's Wade."

MJ smirks at me. "You were blushing."

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