Chapter 46: I should just date Henry

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Laila POV

After a few more rounds, we decided to have lunch and resume after an hour. I'm still annoyed at Jer that I tried my best to avoid him. Henry went out so I followed him immediately just as Jer was about to approach me.

I pulled on Henry's sleeve to make him slow down.

"Look, leave me out of your quarrel" he snickered.

I glared at him. As we both walk out, those who had been waiting saw us and immediately swarm at us. Most of them were a fan of Henry and were all trying to work with him.

"Ms Laila, Henry, I've always wanted to land a role in your films," a rookie actress said.

"So you are the writer. I should have known."

"Yes! You two are the perfect duo in the film" another complimented.

Suddenly there was a loud cough behind us. They all became silent seeing Jer's intimidating look.

"It's lunchtime. How about you all eat first and we'll see again later." I told them.

"It's okay we'll wait here. Today is important and we can't mess up."

I was confused by the statement. As we walk Henry leaned closer to me and said, "It's always like this. They can't afford to lose the chance."

"But they should eat" I pondered.

"Leaving the venue when they are not done is a risk."

I was thinking for a moment. A crew was walking with us, "How many are in here right now?"

"I'm not sure" he then checked his folder.

"Please have a headcount and have a packed lunch delivered to them" I suggested."I'll shoulder the expense"

Henry looked at me with amazement, "What? I can't eat comfortably and judge them later knowing they probably haven't eaten lunch."

Henry shooked his head, "Whatever."

"Laila you'll need to decide for your next book signing event" Tina chimed in.

"So soon" I complained.

"Your next novel will be ready soon and we need to prepare." she continued.

"So where are we having lunch?" Henry changed the topic.

"Mr Malarkey had already arranged for that," Mars said. She then leads us to a Restaurant nearby.

The manager must have been expecting us because he was waiting by the door for us. He leads us to a private booth and had a waitress assist with our needs.

There was me, Jer, Henry, Tina, a couple of crew and the casting director. I was supposed to be between Tina and Henry but Tina change my seat so I was now sitting next to Jeremy. I tried to hide my annoyance.

"Is this a treat from our producer?" Henry joked. No one dares to speak anything because of the intimidating aura around Jer.

So when he answered Henry only then did the others loosen up, "Yes it is my treat so order anything you want."

When everyone was done ordering, their attention now shifted to me and Jeremy.

"Laila is so lucky to have Mr Malarkey invest in the film," someone said. That got me thinking.

"How did you know I'm involved in this film anyway? It was under wraps" I questioned the man.

He pinched my cheeks, "It's because I know everything about you."

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