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Harry POV:

Draco was ignoring me.

I couldn't blame him though. I just didn't expect it to hurt as bad as it did.

"At least you've told him now." Hermione tried to encourage me.

I had told both of them what had happened last night - only leaving out a few details that I'd rather keep quiet about.

"Malfoy was always a scum. There's no point bothering about him." Ron piped in receiving a glare from Hermione as she opened her mouth to most likely correct him. 

"No, Ron's right. It's fine." I shrugged. 

Hermione raised her eyebrow, giving me a doubtful look, but I ignored it.

"I have to go." I announced, getting up and grabbing my stuff.

"Where to?" Hermione asked.

"Tutor session with him." I answered.

Hermione gave me a sympathetic smile and Ron wished me good luck as I went to the assigned classroom Draco and I had been told to have my tutoring in.

I got to the classroom, already seeing Draco there with his head on the desk, his stuff littered messily around him.

"Err Hello." I awkwardly stood making him jump slightly at the sound of my voice.

"Bloody hell, do you wanna be any more louder?" He snapped, taking his head off the desk.

"I wasn't loud." I pointed out, taking a seat next to him and dropping my stuff on the desk.

"Yeah whatever." He got his stuff out, extremely slowly may I add, even a sloth could move faster than he was.

"Are you in a bad mood?" I couldn't help asking. His signature frown was back on his face again, his eyes sporting a glare at me.

"What do you think?" He gave me a bored look.

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking."

"Right, okay. Let's start the work then." He ignored my question which I found extremely rude of course.

"Are you mad at me?" I carried on.

"Is this an interview or something Harry?"

I couldn't help the grin that came on my face; he called me Harry.

"What's so funny now?" He scowled.

"You called me Harry still." I remarked.

"Amazing, life changing, remarkable, so incredible that I called you Harry."

"Very funny. You see me laughing?" 

Draco looked down at my lips, his pupils dilating a little as heat rushed to my cheeks. I cleared my throat to try and break the tension.

"Um.. Let's start?" I spoke trying to speak in an authoritative tone, but failing horribly as the words sounded more like a question.


Third Person POV:

Draco surveyed Harry's face while he was working, this time trying to be more subtle than the other times. Harry had his hand on the side of his head as he chewed his lips- something Draco noticed he did when he was concentrating. His cheeks were a bit flushed, his eyes fixated on the words in front of him, gripping the quill tight.

"I've done it... I think?" Harry broke Draco out of his trance, making him check over the work.

Draco simply nodded.

"Took you a while but at least you've done it."

"At last. I can actually do decent in this exam." Harry exclaimed.

"Hopefully." Draco stood up, getting ready to leave.

"Wait, aren't we gonna talk about... you know?" Harry asked, making Draco freeze.

"What's there to talk about?" Draco immediately regretted his words as Harry's eyes darkened and cast their gaze onto the ground.

"A lot?" Harry's voice was small but the weight of his pain came out in those two words. 

"I don't know what you want me to say Harry." Draco sighed, scratching the side of his head.

"Just tell me the truth. If you don't like me back, we can just forget all this happened and not bring it up again. But if the feelings are reciprocated..." Harry trailed off, looking back up at Draco with hopeful eyes.

"I'm confused." He bluntly stated.

"Confused on what?" Harry questioned walking closer towards Draco.

"How- Why do you think you like me?"

"I don't 'think' I like you Draco, I know I do."


"I like being in your presence. I like the way your eyes sparkle when you're excited. I like the way your hair feels when I run my hand through it. I like the way your lips fee-" Harry started, getting closer and closer.

Until Draco couldn't handle it anymore and  grabbed Harry's face, pulling it to his  and connecting their lips. Harry's whole body tingled at the feeling of Draco's slim frame leaning on his as he tugged Draco's hair making him groan. Draco slipped his fingers under Harry's shirt, feeling the smooth skin that was radiating heat. He felt like his heart was about to burst out of his chest, they were kissing like their lives depended on it as he slipped his tongue inside of Harry's mouth, gently biting his lip, emitting a moan from the younger boy.

Harry had never ever felt like this before. His stomach felt fuzzy, a warm sensation taking over, like there were fireworks going on. Nothing else was relevant to him, except the soft lips that were currently on his. He was lucky he was leaning against a wall because his legs felt like jelly, nearly giving in. He felt Draco's lips leaving his, going to his neck as he lifted his head to give the blonde more access. A hot breath was on his neck, then the tender brush of lips, burning as they made contact with his neck making his breath hitch. His head felt like it was spinning as the kisses became harder and more urgent.

Time passed for what felt like an eternity until Draco pulled away, his cheeks rosy and his moist, pink lips swollen admiring the breathless boy in front of him.

"I like you too." He breathed out, resting his forehead on Harry's, looking deep into the green orbs he had so fallen in love with, without even realising.

A/N: this took soooo long cuz i had no idea what to say. but umm enjoy. also when they kiss, draco kinda flips them, i just didn't know how to add it lol. this is the end like the last chapter so yea, quite a short story. bye hp. 02/07/20- e, 14. 

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