Chapter 20 Other side of the school

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James' point of view:

After I left Elizabeth's house on Sunday, we were constantly texting each other. I couldn't get my mind off of her. Finally she reminded me that we had school tomorrow so she had to go to bed. I understood, but I wish that I could of had five more minutes with her. Monday came and I was so excited to go to school. This was a new feeling for me! First hour passed and we had fun laughing and messing around with each other. Mr. Link threatened to make a seating chart, but he didn't end up doing it so we were able to sit next to each other still. Second hour passed but we sadly didn't have that class to get her so I anxiously waited for third hour to come.

"Hey." I said taking the seat behind Elizabeth.

"Hey." She replied studying her chemistry book. Her eyes glued to the periodic table as she glanced at each symbol. Then a strong hand came on top of the page Elizabeth was on and covered up over half of the page. She didn't even have to look up to see who it was. She just knew. "What do you want Dylan?" She rudely remarked.

"Can we talk?" He pleaded.

"I don't think we should." Elizabeth honestly replied.

"I just need to tell you a few things." He paused looking into her eyes but she wouldn't look back into his. "About what happened on Friday at the party."

"I don't want to talk about it so please respect that." Elizabeth simply replied.

Then at that moment Mrs. Rode walked into the room to greet our class. "Turn to page 34 in your chemistry books please." She then glanced at Dylan who was still by Elizabeth's desk. "Mr. Hoffman, please take your seat." he then grunted and slowly walked over to his seat. "Thank you." Mrs. Rode continued on with her lesson plan while Elizabeth got a note from Dylan.

Dylan: I meant what I said about loving you.

Then Elizabeth replied by saying,

Elizabeth: that's good to know but I don't care.

Dylan shot her a hurtful glance after he read what she had said and then he sent another note that read,

Dylan: please just give me a chance Lizzie. I know I messed up last time but I've changed.

Elizabeth then looked back at him with unbelief plastered on her face.

Elizabeth: how did you change? Do you now have two whores instead of one?

Then Mrs. Rode caught Dylan reading the note and suddenly walked over to him, snatching it and ripping it up into small shreds of paper. As she walked back to the front of the class, Dylan slumped back into his chair and muttered a few swear words.

Before I knew it, class had ended and Elizabeth and I walked out of the class room together. We were just talking in the halls and I made her laugh by making a mean joke about Dylan. People stared at us as we passed them in the hallway and I got a few dirty looks from my exs but I didn't care. I just shook it off.

"What's your next hour?" she asked me.

"Spanish." I annoyingly grunted.

"Oh. I have art."

"Then I'll walk you there." I kindly said.

"You do know that the Spanish room is all the way on the other side of the school then the art room, right?" She told me.

"Yeah, so?" I smiled as she chuckled.

"Oh Mr. Adams, I worry about you!"

"Well Miss Smith, you're crazier then me!"

"Hey!" She playfully hit me on my arm which made me laugh along with her.

"Bye." She said as I dropped her off at her next class.

"I'll see you at lunch m'lady." I smirked as she walked into the classroom. Then I bolted down the hallway because I had exactly one minute to get to the other end of the school, and make it to my next class.

I was fine with rushing to my next class, as long as I got to spend the extra minutes with Elizabeth, I was happy.

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