Chapter 34 I love you

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Lizzie's POV:

"It's so loud!" James wailed.

"Isn't that what parties are known for!" I yelled back my reply.

"Do you wanna drink?" James asked me like the gentleman he was.

"No, I gotta drive you home so I have to stay sober." Someone had to be the responsible one, it just happened to be me tonight. I was also spoused to give Maya and Cameron and Justin and his date a ride home too. I really hope that they don't puke in my car.

"Hey guys!" Dylan said with two beers in his hand. Then he took a long gulp out of one and then out of the other. "Lizzie, wanna dance with me?"

I then nervously glanced over at James to see what he had to say and he just sighed and said, "Why not. Just save a dance for me." He said as he kissed my cheek. Dylan then pulled me over to the dance floor, also known as Jamie's living room.

We danced to about two songs when a slow song came on. My eyes darted around the room to find James, but he was nowhere in sight. "May I have this dance?" Dylan asked me as he held out his hand.

"Why not." I said as I gave up looking for James. They were going to play other slow songs, so it wasn't like this was the only one.

After the song, I excused myself from Dylan and went searching for James. I checked everywhere and then I made my way where the drinks were and I then found him with a half empty beer bottle in his hand and someone sitting on his lap.

Wait... what! Who the hell was that on him! Who did she think she was!

James' POV:

"Girl, I may be drunk but I can still feel your legs on my lap. Get off of me." I complained. I wasn't able to make out who was on me, but it was between Annie and Hitler. I was going to go with my gut and pick Annie.

"But baby, I love you." She said as she started planting little kisses on my neck. Normally, I would have loved this kind of stuff, but I couldn't stand being kissed by anyone but Elizabeth now.

"Well I don't love you." I drunkenly stated.

"Now baby, you don't mean that." She said as she started to unbutton my shirt.

"What the hell is going on!" I heard Elizabeth scream.

"Nothing sweetie." I replied casually.

"Really, then why is there some blonde bitch sitting on your lap, and giving you hickies?" She furiously asked me. I then spotted a single tear rolling down her perfect face and my heart broke.

"She means nothing to me." I truthfully told Elizabeth.

"We're in love." Annie said as she kissed me some more. I then stood up which forced her off my lap and she fell onto the tile floor.

"No, we're not in love!" I snapped at Annie who was still on the ground.

"I think we should break up." Elizabeth chocked out. She then started to walk away from me but I wasn't going to give up that easily.

I chased after her as she ran out of the door. The music that was coming from the house got quieter, but I could still faintly hear the base booming. "Let's talk this over." I said to Elizabeth.

"I don't need to." She said as she opened up her car door.

"Please Elizabeth, just let me explain toy you what happened." I cried.

"You don't need to explain James because I saw it all for myself."

"Oh come on! Just hear me out Elizabeth, please." I asked her one more time.

"Oh, why don't you go crawl back to your slutty blonde!" When Elizabeth yelled that at me, my heart broke. I had just hurt her like I promised I'd never do. But somehow, I managed to break that promise. I had managed to break her heart.

Now her face was cover in tears that her eyes were producing. But I couldn't see much of her face because the street lamp wasn't providing enough light.

"I'd never go back to anyone else! I wanna stay here, with you." I was telling the truth. That was the one thing in the world I wanted. Not world peace, or to be rich and famous, but to be able to live happily ever after with Elizabeth. But now, I had screwed things up, it seemed like happily ever after was only just a dream now.

"Why James? Why?"

"I don't care about them! I don't want them! I don't love them!" I cried at the top of my lungs. "I care about you, Elizabeth. I want you, Elizabeth." I paused before I said what I was about to say. I wasn't sure how to say it, so instead of thinking how to state it in a romantic way, I just let my heart speak the truth and I turned off my brain. "I love you, Elizabeth."

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