Chapter 21

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Jaden ended up getting suspended for the rest of the semester, which worked well in our favor. And Calvin kept his mouth shut to our parents about what went down, but that didn't mean he simply let it go. According to Tyree, Calvin and Q weren't the only ones who would shut shit down real quick if Jaden came in their presence. Apparently, me getting slapped in the hallway had a bunch of niggas ready to square up. Nobody around here was a guy and didn't have a sister, or someone they considered to be their sister.

So being suspended was just for his own good.

Everything moved on from there, and it was like I forgot the drama that occurred. In typical fashion, the next day, we were talking shit about the next thing that went down the halls.

It wasn't important anymore. Well, to me.

"I've been thinking," Q spoke as he climbed on the bed, hovering over me as my back rested against the wall.

The weather had started to get colder, leading us to spend less time being out and about, Quincy and I found refuge in his home. We spent our afternoons after school together, doing homework, cooking, or watching TV. After his Dad moved out, Quincy made the decision to stay with his mother. So while his Mom was at work, his place was the only place we could count on for privacy. 

"What?" I asked, setting my homework to the side, I gave him my attention.

"We ain't never been nowhere together. We should go somewhere together."

"Like travel?" I asked, pulling a face as I started to think. "You and me?"

"Yeah, you and me." He smiled, pecking my lips. "We can take a bus or a train, or I could rent a car for a little bit."

"Where would we go?"

"Wherever." He spoke. "I just wanna go somewhere." He moved to lay beside me. "We can even go look at all the colleges you keep talkin' about. Like Southern or the one in LA."

His words further sparked my interest, causing me to excitedly turn to him. "You wanna go to college together?"

"You know I wanna go to college and go somewhere, Nae."

"I know, but you wanna go together?" I repeated, rolling on top of him, I straddled his waist. "You and me." My hands lightly pressed into his chest. "Where you go, I go."

This was serious. We were talking about having a future together, not just jokes and giggles but something realistic that could actually happen, and soon.

He saw me in his future.

And I couldn't help but feel some type of way 'cause I saw him in mine.

Q's hands lazily rested on my hips. "I'mma need you to get off me before I start having thoughts."

"About us going to college together?" I wondered with a bit of confusion.

"About us doing things together," he corrected. His fingers danced against the sliver of exposed skin between where my shirt rode up and my jeans. My skin tingled at the contact, and I felt my breath hitch as he bit his lip, staring at me intently.

He eyed me for a moment to see how I would react before he slipped his hand under my top, letting his palm rest against my stomach. My eyes looked down, wondering what he was going to do next. His hand skimmed over my breasts before placing his palm firmly over my heart.

Oh my lord Jesus Christ.

"Your heart's beating fast." He muttered.

I was basically having a premature heart attack.

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