Chapter 23

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"I swear to God, Rashad, that has been your third bowl of cereal. If I can't find none when I go into the kitchen, I'm coming for you!" I declared firmly, getting up from my position on the couch after tying my shoelaces, hearing him contently smacking away.

"You can have the bottom bits."

"No one fucking likes the bottom bits." I snapped, appearing in the room, crossing my arms in disapproval, seeing him hold up the nearly empty cereal bag.

"Ey." He furrowed his eyebrows at my word choice.

"I'm going to Nicki's." I simply responded, knowing I would find food there. "Since you and Calvin decide to eat double your body weight and then some."

"You're not funny and you've never been funny." Calvin spoke as he made his way into the room.

"When are you moving out?" I asked, looking at him.

"When are you gonna fix the attitude?" Calvin quipped.

"When you move out." A satisfied smile came on my lips. "I'm out." I walked out of the room to grab my backpack.

"Stay outta trouble!" Rashad called after me.

"Got it!" I yelled back as I made my way out of the front door and rushed to Nicki's. The January breeze was not being kind, but thankfully, Nicki didn't take long to appear in front of me. "Please tell me you got some kinda food in there."

"Whose kinda house would it be if I didn't?" She responded as she let me in, and I instantly made my way to the kitchen, moving around like it was my own. "Calvin and Rashad devour everything again?"

"Yes. And they wanna claim that I'm out of the house so much I should be eating other places. The only one who feeds me is you."

"And Q."

"We not gonna talk about all that." I couldn't help the smirk that came on my face at the mention of him.

"Not gonna talk about-" Nicki gasped loudly. "Bitch."

"I'mma just take this to go." I told her, picking up my heated pastries, wrapping them in foil.

"Bitch!" Nicki screamed once more, making me laugh. "Wait until we- Oooouuu you freak!" She hit me in shock and I just let out a laugh.

"We're gonna be late for school. Come on." I led the way out of the house.

"I feel like you're lying to me. Are you lying to me?"

"Nicki. Walk." I instructed.

"Janae. Talk."

I just swiftly took a bite of my pastry, flashing her a smile, making her roll her eyes.

I wasn't spilling any secrets. Not yet at least.


"Alright, where is this bitch? Homeroom starts in five minutes, and I'm tryna know the facts." Nicki spoke impatiently as we all sat in Mr. G's room, but missing one seeing Will had yet to arrive.

After her pestering throughout our walk to school, I promised to let her know what they wanted to know once we were all together. There was no way I was gonna tell them without Will. Especially since she was the one rooting for this since the beginning.

The bell rung, making Nicki do a damn near triple check at the clock. "Mister, your clock is broken."

"It's been broken Nicki." He smartly replied. "Get out my room."

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