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I twirled Heather around, shaking my ass to the music. The dance floor spun around me, making me dizzy, but in a good way. I had been jumping around with Heather on the dance floor for a while now and I felt super hot. I stumbled into somebody, hitting them hard; I apologised, but my words were slurring together so I'm not sure how much good that did. He looked pretty angry, but I just smiled at him. 

"You spilt my drink on me!" He yelled, pushing me. 

I stumbled back, falling on my butt hard. I look up at Heather and we both started giggling. She mocked me falling, losing her balance and actually falling to the floor too. She landed on my lap, knocking me back to the floor as I tried to get up- we both sat there, in hysterics. The angry guy stormed off, his friends all glaring at us. 

"Heather, I made them mad." I whispered, giggling. 

"Come on, Heather. Let's get you some water." A guy sighed, helping her off the floor. 

I recognised him as her boyfriend, but I didn't know his name for the life of me. I hiccuped, waving goodbye to them. I managed to get off the floor after a few attempts, stumbling through the house haphazardly. The floors all felt uneven and the room was spinning, but I made it outside, stumbling through a door frame and past people. The world tilted and I fell forwards, tripping over my own feet and landing in a bush.

I giggled, rolling over in the bush so that I was looking up. The moon's pretty. It makes me hungry, though. I'd like food right now. Ice cream. God, I really love ice cream. Everything's so spinny. I couldn't see straight and it's making me sick. I gagged, quickly rolling over onto my knees and throwing up into the bush. 

Everything I had consumed that evening came up, ruining my good mood. It tastes disgusting and made me feel horrendous. My eyes were watering by the time I got it all up, falling back onto the grass behind me.

"Are you okay?" A familiar voice asked, making my stomach flip.

I lurched forward, throwing up again. Only one voice could provoke such a reaction from me. I felt nervous and embarrassed- I didn't want to meet him while I was in this state. My drunken mind searched for what to do, but my thoughts were all pretty jumbled.

"Close your eyes." I begged, "I don't want to meet you while I'm throwing up."

He chuckled, but respect my wishes. I closed my eyes as he set down a water bottle, trying to avoid looking at his face. He backed up a bit and when I opened my eyes, he was stood behind me so that I couldn't see. I downed the water, letting it sober me up a bit and munched on the breadsticks he had given me. 

Now that the alcohol had all come up and I had ate something and rehydrated myself, I felt a bit better. The outside air was helping, too. I stayed sat for another ten minutes, trying to compose myself. It wasn't long before I felt almost back to normal, now steady and sober enough to face him. 

"Close your eyes." I told him, nervous to turn around.

"Closed." He told me and I hoped he was telling the truth. 

I climbed up off of the floor, straightening out my clothes and raking my fingers through my hair, putting it back in place. I used a tissue to dab my mouth and chewed on some gum, trying to not appear like such a hot mess. I felt seriously embarrassed right now.

I held my breath, turning around slowly. There he was, clear as day in front of me. I gasped audibly, causing his eyes to shoot open. They raked up and down me, turning a shade darker as he did so. I did the same, admiring every inch of him. 

My eyes were drawn to his arms. His shirt sleeves were rolled up, revealing forearm tattoos. I admired them, thinking they suited him really well. His face was unexplainable; I had never felt so overwhelmed by somebody's appearance. I felt like jumping him, just making out here and now, but I didn't know whether it was the alcohol still in my system talking or not. His cheekbones are so high. His lips are so kissable.

Lure To The WoodsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora