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The next morning, I woke up in paradise. 

The warm sun was dancing across my bare back as I lay on Xavier's chest, my face buried into his neck as it had been the whole night. His hand was absentmindedly running through my hair, clearly not aware that I had just come around from my slumber. His other arm was lazily slung around my waist, holding me to his firm, bare chest. 

Never before had I been more comfortable. 

Sure, my head was banging, but I still felt otherworldly. The tingles filling my body were so comforting that I almost fell asleep again, but then Xavier pressed his lips to the top of my head. 

"Baby, I can feel your heart pounding." Xavier's deep and husky morning voice was so damn sexy.

I pulled my head out of my safe space to look at him lazily and god, he looked amazing. I couldn't believe that the god of a man underneath me was actually my boyfriend now. The events of last night were burned into my mind as one of my favourite nights on earth; I had never felt like that while just spending time with somebody. Xavier was so different to everyone I knew. 

"Good morning, hottie." I murmured, keeping the volume down for the sake of my own banging head.

His hand was delicate as it cupped my chin, tilting it up towards him as he lowered his lips to mine. Hovering just inches from my lips, he seemed to be asking for permission before he kissed me. I closed the gap, melting into his touch as fireworks went off throughout my body. I had a feeling that I would never get enough of that feeling. 

Xavier groaned loudly, burying his head into my shoulder. The smile that had slipped onto my face was inevitable, finding Xavier's joy at being able to kiss me finally adorable. However, our new couple bubble was burst when Xavier's phone began to blare a ringtone, making me cringe at the sound. 

"Xavier speaking." His voice was full of power, which I had noticed was the voice he used around his pack members. I'd asked about it last night and he'd explained it was his Alpha voice. 

Resting my head against his chest again, I looked up at him as the person on the other end of the phone began to speak. His expression immediately softened and he relaxed underneath me, meaning it wasn't serious, which was a relief. I didn't exactly feel like rushing to an emergency with a hangover. 

"I'll ask him and let you know. One? Okay." I could only hear Xavier's replies, so I was a tad confused about what he was on about. 

Xavier dropped the phone and wrapped his arms around me again, closing his eyes. I managed to wiggle a hand free from his grasp, poking the side of his face to get his attention. His eyes snapped open and he playfully bit my finger, making me yelp.

"It was my mum. She invited us both to lunch." Xavier explained, "I said I'd ask you, but I'm not ready to leave this bed yet." 

Glancing at Xavier's clock, my jaw dropped open. If lunch was at one o'clock, then we only had about half an hour until we had to be there. That would be fine on a normal day, but right now I smelt pretty strongly of cigarettes and alcohol; I'm pretty sure that wouldn't leave such a good first impression on his parents.

"Xavier, please let me go- I want to make a good impression." I pleaded, wiggling in his hold. 

His eyes softened and he placed a kiss on my lips again, making all of my movements cease. He chuckled at that, letting me go finally. I darted off the bed, dashing into the bathroom and hopping into the shower once it had turned hot. 

I rushed my shower, but made sure that I smelt like roses when I exited. Bundled up in a towel, I stepped into Xavier's wardrobe looking for something to wear. What was an acceptable outfit to wear to meet your boyfriend's parents over lunch?

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