Chapter 9

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I don't need charity

Waking up with got tear stains and swollen bloodshot eyes

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Waking up with got tear stains and swollen bloodshot eyes. I roll my eyes and huff while getting up.  I hate being so weak and feeling so pathetic. I put another hoddie under Bruno's to make me warmer and to make me look bigger. I brush my hair down and let it fall down loosely in its natural curls. It's only 6 am and the sun hasn't come up yet. I make my way downstairs not expecting to run into anyone. Mike and Margaret always slept in half the day because they were always hungover.

But when I walked in I was shocked. All the boys were all sitting there around the island bench sipping on coffee and eating breakfast. "Good morning Bambina"! Vince spoke softly. Fancy man came and planted a kiss on my forehead. Reflex came in and I harshly pushed him away. He looked shocked and a bit hurt but I didn't care. I hate gestures like that he is lucky that I have a soft spot for fancy man. If it was any other boy I would have skinned them alive. "Err sorry". I dusted myself off avoiding his eyes. He cleared his throat and smiled softly. "Would you like me to make you some breakfast". I looked at him weirdly. Why would he want to make me breakfast? "No, its fine thanks I can make it myself". My voice was cold. As I walked my pants were falling and I had to grip them up tightly to not let them fall down. I heard loud chuckles fill the room and coos. I muttered things under my breath and tied another knot of my pants with my back turned to them so they couldn't see. "Sorry baby sis I really wish we had something smaller. Your just so tiny"! I huffed and glared at Bruno for his comment. These people are seriously lucky that I have a soft spot for them. I look down to the kettle and start boiling it and look back at the boys.

"Do you have tea"? Milo and Louis chuckle for some reason at my question . Vince softly smirks at me. they are looking at me like I had made the best joke or something. "What is so funny"? I am so close to wiping those smirks off their faces with my bare hands. "it's just funny how British you are". I roll my eyes at Milo and look back at Vince. "Stop rolling your eyes it's disrespectful and rude". Enzo voices out his voice low as ever and cold. "and you laughing at my accent and where I come from isn't"? I challenge my voice matching Enzo's. "watch your tone and who you're talking to".

I eye Enzo up and down showing him I was not afraid of him. "I am watching who I am talking too sunshine.". I say mockingly taking a step closer towards him.  Milo looks shocked and somewhat scarred for me. "The tea is in the cupboard above the kettle". Alex says breaking me and Enzo's glaring battle. I smirk back at Alex and nod. I grab the English breakfast tea because that is all they had. "Cheers fancy man". I try moving with only my right hand and arm because my left shoulder is throbbing and burning in pain. I put my tea down in the free seat next to Vince and Bruno and walk around to sit down. I sip my tea quietly and enjoy the taste ignoring the slight burn in my throat. I love tea. As British, it may be. Tea is always so relaxing and always calms me and my nerves. My thoughts were disrupted when a white box was placed in front of me. I thought it was meant for Bruno so I passed it down to him. "No that is for you". I look at Vince with my eyes narrowed and my face scrunched up in confusion. I look down at it and it is some iPhone. I have seen Ryan and kids at school with them. I give it back to him and continue to sip my tea.

"This is your new iPhone". I eye him closely and grimace back at the iPhone. "It's ok I don't need it.. but thank you". He sighs and puts the phone back down in front of me. "You don't have a phone correct"? He raises his eyebrows at me. "Well yes! But that is because I don't need one nor do I want one". I know I must seem like a crazy teenager for not seeming interested or envious of a phone. But to me, phones just seem like a waste of time and an unneeded device. "Well, you do need one. Because you might have to call us or text one of us. Louis has already put all of our phone numbers on it". He says calmly and sternly. I pick it up looking at it carefully. "Why is it so fancy". I mutter ignoring the light chuckles around me. "How much was this? If I needed one you could have just bought a cheaper phone that would suffice. This is too much! You should return it and get your money back! it probably cost a lot of money! I am not being unthankful or ungrateful I am just-". My ramble was cut off with a cough. I looked up to see them all staring at me smirking.

"Breanna.". I look up at Vince. "yes"?

"Just take it! Luke will teach you how to use it after breakfast. Also later the twins and Bruno are taking you shopping". I huff and my whole voice shudders to hear the words shopping. "Do I have to go shopping? I have enough clothes... Shopping is just a waste of time and money".

"BREANNA CARMON"!! I peak from under to the bed seeing a very angry daddy looking at me with his arms folded. "Get out from under the bed, NOW! We are only going shopping". I shriek and move down more so I am further away from arms reach. "It's only to buy you some more tops bumblebee". He sighs now kneeling. "NO"! I cross my arms and form my body into a ball. "Please baby it will only take an hour.. two at most". I don't move an inch. "I will buy you a toy"? I still don't move but it does slightly intrigue me. "I will make you some bumblebee pancakes". He sighs and in two seconds I am out from under the bed and in Daddy's lap.

"So do we have a deal"? He raises an eyebrow at me smirking. I nod. "Yes, but I want two bumblebee pancakes". He chuckles and picks me up balancing me on his hip. "Anything for my princess". I cross my arms and frown he looks at my frown and grows concerned. "I am not your princess I am your bumblebee". I pout and he smiles and kisses my nose while tickling my tummy which makes me squeak and a giggle left my lips. "And you will forever be my little bumblebee".

I snap my thoughts when I hear Vince talking. "You don't have any clothes! You are going shopping Bambina". I sigh but nod in defeat.  "fine but only an hour one more than that then I am running away". I glare and look dead serious. Vince and boys chuckle and shake their heads. While Enzo and Louis just glare down at me staring at me closely. "You are the only girl I have ever met who hates shopping". Milo chuckles which make Bruno, Luke and Alex snicker. I glare at all of them and return to my tea ignoring their snickers and remarks.

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