Chapter 37

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Oh how beautiful the blood falls

Oh how beautiful the blood falls

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I have never wanted someone's head so badly. I have never so badly wanted to see someone's bloodshed. The boys want it just as badly as more we want them to suffer.

And now we will finally get our revenge. These people are monsters and complete stupid idiots because only an idiot would dare to hurt a Moretti. People call me sadist, some people call me demonic or beyond corrupted. Now, these two dumb fucks are about to know who I am. They are about to feel my wrath.

I have learnt so much about my daughter lately it was only yesterday where I really realised that she is me. she is defiantly her father's daughter which at some points makes me somewhat happy but then again makes me feel also guilty. My daughter shouldn't know the bad corrupted things in this world. She should be innocent and naive to the world she shouldn't be so scared to let people get close to her. She should be able to feel free to smile to feel free to enjoy her life. Her life is filled with so many secrets even from the moment she was born. No one no whys my wife choose to leave. no one knows why she chooses to chuck Breanna away. No one knows why she only chooses Bruno to live with us. We only basically now found out what she had been hiding and I know that we have grazed the surface. Her walls are built up so strong and so fierce. Her walls are strong then tanks armour stronger than any defence force. And I as well as my sons are determined to find the weapon to bring those walls down.

I wish my mother was here at the moment. She would know exactly what to say and what to do. I know deep down that if my mother was here she would be able to see inside Breanna's walls. She just had that power about her. I walked down into the warehouse basements. Walking past all the cells hearing the convicts screams and cries in agony and for mercy. But the Moretti Italian mafia does not give mercy we seek justice and we thrive until justice is given. I walk down the halls with Enzo closely by my side, Milo closely next to him and the rest of my boys following behind. We were all here for one thing, and we won't leave without it.

Revenge and blood.

You can smell the faint smell of blood and the other faint smell of ash. That is one thing we are known for fire. If the people have enough balls and fire to mess and betray us we bring fire to them. We burn the people who betrayed us alive. I open the cell door discreetly greeting the guards with a stiff nod. I had to get guards there was no chance in hell I would let these motherfuckers escape their fate. I couldn't help the sick smirk on my face when I looked at the beautiful scene in front of me.

The woman Margaret was still wearing her prison orange scrubs. Her reddish locks of hair all knotted and had slight blood patches. I was happy to see the sick women tide to the chair tightly with the look of fear and horror on her face as she stared at us wide-eyed. The man next to her tied to his chair look even in a worse state. With massive bags under his eyes and rugged hair. I can already see that the guards have had some of their fun with them.

"good evening Miss Carmon and Mr Williams do you understand why you are here". I asked calmly trying to swallow the vomit the best I can as I see the sick monster in the chair slightly panic. "P-please w-we didn't do anything wrong! Please p-please, l-let us go"! The woman wailed and cried hanging her head down in defeat and sorrow. This bitch was seriously asking for mercy. The boys looked at her in disgust not hiding the scowl on their faces. I then picked up a knife and slowly waved it in front of their faces. It was one of my favourite knives it had a slight curve to it. so, when I plunge it into my victims the curve can give it an extra effect. "Do you have any idea who we are"? I raised my eyebrows at the sick bastard. His eyes widened and his face paled as if he was a ghost. Large sweat beads formed on his head the sick bastard was sweating like a disgusting pig. "B-but we haven't done anything"! this causes us all to chuckle darkly. "please you have to believe us! We are innocent "! He wailed like a big fat baby causing us all to scoff. I brought the knife blade to his neck lightly scratching it. His eyes widened and he started sobbing loudly. "p-please don't hurt me". Anger consumed me as the two worthless pigs sobbed and pleaded for their life's. I then punched the man in the jaw with all my force causing the man to double over. I felt a bit satisfaction hearing the crunch sound and hearing the man whimper in pain and spit out blood. I crouched down to his level on the ground and smirked down at his trembling state feeling satisfaction. But this wasn't enough, this was barely touching the surface.

I can't help but fill sick to stomach hearing their pleads. How dare there they! They never listened to my littles girls pleads and cries. So why should I listen to theirs? They hurt her, they broke her, they took everything. But now it's my turn. It is my turn to hurt them, it is my turn to pick up her pieces one by one and it Is also my turn take everything they took. And finally let my daughter the Principessa of the biggest Italian mafia, heal. They messed with the wrong people because they didn't just mess with my daughter they messed with her father.

The capo.

"who are we"? I asked cocking an eyebrow. The sick excuse of the man trembled more vigorously. "The M-Moretti's". He asked shakingly. "So you do know who we are hmm"? I asked with nothing but darkness in my tone. "Y-yes". He said with tears pouring down his face. "and yet you choose to mess and hurt with the most important thing in my life". I spat making his eyes trembling in fear while he looks like he has seen a ghost.

"My daughter".

a/n: thank you so much for the love and support, I honestly love you all! I was just wondering if there is anything you would like to see in this story because I already have lots of things planned! But I would love to see what you guys think! 


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