Chapter Ten

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Someone slapped me across the face. Hard. "Wake up bitch. I like my hoes responsive," a rough voice said.

I groaned and tried and cover my face with my hands, but something stopped me. My eyelids felt too heavy, as if I was wearing lead false eyelashes. Somehow I managed to yank them open. I was laying on the floor of what seemed to be a basement, and my hands were tied together at the wrists above my head. I tried to pull them to me and realized that they were also tied to a pipe jutting out of the wall.

The back of my head was throbbing. The pain was unlike anything I'd ever felt before in my life. I could feel that my hair was a sticky, knotted mess over the source of the pain. Realization struck me with a twinge in my gut that it was from the blood. No, not the blood, my blood.

I looked up into the hungry eyes of the boys who had brought me here. "Let me go," I demanded, but my voice had no power in it.

"Not till we get what we want," Brian growled as he came at me. I scooted back so I was at least sitting up against the wall and thrust my foot out in front of me. I caught Brian straight in the groin and he dropped, clutching his manhood.

Another boy stepped forward and slapped me again. "Don't do that again whore," he warned.

The slap knocked my head back against the wall, and my already pounding skull was now screaming at me. My vision starting swimming and my hearing got fuzzy. I was suddenly finding it hard to breath.

Brian got up on his knees and pinned my legs down so I couldn't move them anymore. "Do you have a death wish?" he snarled. I barely heard him, the buzzing in my pounding head was blocking out almost everything else.

"Do you?" a cold, cruel voice like the devil himself hissed.

Brian screamed as a slithering black tentacle thrust itself through his torso. He made a strange gargling noise and his eyes rolled back into his head as he fell forward. Screams filled the basement as the other gang member started joining the dead. Cole lay in the corner where he'd had his tongue and eyes ripped out, DJ had been completely severed in half and was at both ends of the basement, the boy who had slapped me was hanging from the ceiling by his own intestines. The other boys had similar stories.

Even as the last of the screams were finally silenced, I couldn't take my eyes off the twenty foot man that stood in the middle of the basement chaos, panting with rage and practically burning the air around him with his power.

After a few moments the overwhelming static started to fade and the air visibly lightened. He turned to me. In an instant he was six feet and kneeling by my side, unknotting my bonds with long fingers.

I noticed as he leaned over me that he didn't have a single spot of blood on his suit. That took skill.

My wrists finally free, I acted on impulse. I reached up, grabbed his tie, and kissed him.

He froze for an instant - just long enough for me to wonder if I'd really screwed up, and then his arms went around me, his hand planted in the small of my back, pushing me against him. He sighed into the kiss, actually returning it.

He tasted like peppermint.

I parted my lips, enjoying the flavor of him, longing for more, and he responded, groaning softly. "My little Sky," he murmured against my lips.

If someone had told me a few weeks ago that I'd one day find myself lip locked with the Slender man, I would have referred them to a psychiatrist. This was unreal. It was weird and uncertain, and in some levels wrong, but it was happening. And I was enjoying it immensely. Maybe it was immoral of me to want a child killer, and maybe I was going to Hell for being happy for the loss of life that had just taken place, but at this moment, I didn't care. I wanted him, and at this moment, all that was wrong... felt right.

I would have stayed there and kissed him forever, but my injuries wouldn't allow it. I broke the kiss and leaned back, clutching the back of my head. I couldn't hold back the tiny gasp of pain.

Slendy's brow furrowed with concern and he scooped me up in his arms, clutching me to his chest. He teleported us to a place I didn't recognize.

It seemed to be an old house that had long sense been abandoned. He laid me down on a dusty, sadly sagging bed and sat on the edge, resting a warm hand on my forehead. My eyelids drooped as exhaustion hit me instantly.

"Where am I?" I asked, barely able to manage more than a whisper.

"My home. Now go to sleep my little one," he said. I obeyed.

A Slender ChanceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora