Chapter 1: Home Bitter Banquet...

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I could hear the click of my heels as I walk up the driveway leading to my mum's house.

I'm dressed in a black off-shoulder gown, which is floor-length and has a long slit at the side. My purse in hand, my black hair pulled in an elegant knot with some strands hanging and rimming my face, a pair of stud earrings on my ear lobes and silver heels on my feet.

Usually, I don't dress this much, but my mum expects me to look my best and not embarrass her. My existence alone is already an embarrassment to her.

My mum has two daughters, me and my older sister Caroline. And out of her two beautiful daughters, I'm the only one who didn't inherit her witch nature.

Yes, my mum is a witch, but she married a human, which explains why I am human too. Caroline, on the other hand, is a full-fledged witch who my mum is so proud of and doesn't waste time to show off.

Being a human born from a witch isn't something to be proud of. My mum, her friends, my sister, her friends also shun me like the way they usually do to lesser humans. And that's why I didn't waste time to look for a college far from home so that I could be nowhere near them.

Well, my mum didn't exactly let me leave the city. But I was still 60 KM far from home, so that was good enough for me.
Though it seems she isn't exactly ready to let me go just yet. She likes to control everything I do, which is infuriating. And that is why I am here now, attending a banquet she hosted for all witches in the New York coven.

Finally, I get to the entrance of the apartment and walk in to find the spacious and beautifully decorated room packed with snobby and rich witches.

Men and women in classy dresses or tailored suits littered the room with all their heads held high. A glass of wine in hand and a permanent smile on their face.
That was one thing about witches too. They were always wealthy. They either came from old money or had booming businesses across the world.

I usually wondered why that was. But since I'm not accepted among them, I've been trying to cut all ties with anything that has to do with witches. If only mum would let me.

I honestly don't know why she wants me around when she's always ashamed of me. Oh wait, it's because she likes to control everything I do!

Witches look at humans as inferior creatures under their shoes, making me an outcast among them. The only humans they're seen with are those who are wealthy and have great influence in the society. So I wonder why she still wants me here when I'm only going to embarrass her the more.

Anybody who notices me either stares at me down their nose or ignores me, because they can sense I am not one of them. But a plain human trying to fit in a world that she doesn't belong to.

It feels odd walking into here now. I once lived here under my mum's strict rules, and I couldn't be any happier that I had finally left.

A young woman to be in her late twenties is playing the Cello in a corner, and beside her is a middle-aged man who runs his fingers expertly over a grand piano in perfect harmony. Some of the witches are on the dance floor, dancing to music.

A waiter walks by me with a tray in hand and three glasses filled with wine, and I reach for one. Taking a sip, I look around the room for my mum.

"Jocelyn, glad you could make it." I hear a soft voice filled with fake enthusiasm say behind me.

I turn to the source after while rolling my eyed. And there she was, Caroline Roswell. My beloved sister, whom I love so very much, and she loves me too. I hope you can hear the sarcasm in my voice.

"Well, I'm not." With my drink in one hand, I send back a fake smile at her, which she returns with a glare.

She is dressed in a green cocktail dress, the neckline, and sleeves made out of lace. Her wavy blonde hair, which she got from mum with her blue eyes also, is swept to one side, and her face caked in makeup. A beauty she was on the outside, but a viper on the inside. Don't let her innocent blue eyes deceive you.

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